Decision details

Medium Term Financial Strategy

Decision Maker: Council

Decision status: Recommendations approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


Members were presented with the refreshed Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) summary for 2016/17 to 2020/21. Key areas highlighted were the Developing Communities Fund of £1.4m, the use of the waste management reserve which would result in a borrowing requirement to fund a new fleet, business rates income and a contingency for losses on appeals.


During discussion, concern was expressed in relation to business rates and the need to ensure provision for appeals and reduction in rates was emphasised. It was highlighted that, should a large business leave the borough, this would have a great impact on the finances of the authority. The Head of Finance assured members that the provision made was sufficient and prudent.


Councillor Taylor entered the meeting at 6.58pm.


Concern was also expressed at the intention to deplete the waste management reserve and then to fund a new fleet by borrowing which, in turn, increased concern that there may be an intention to outsource refuse collection. Members wished it to be recorded that they would not support outsourcing of the refuse service.


In relation to council tax, Councillor Bray asked that it be recorded that the Liberal Democrat group did not support a £5 increase in council tax.


In response to a question about the Developing Communities Fund, it was noted that a report on criteria and eligibility would be brought to the next meeting of the Scrutiny Commission.


RESOLVED – the report be noted and the comments made be forwarded to Council.

Report author: Ashley Wilson

Publication date: 07/02/2017

Date of decision: 30/01/2017

Decided at meeting: 30/01/2017 - Finance & Performance Scrutiny

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