Issue - meetings

19/01190/HOU - 1A Stretton Close, Burbage

Meeting: 07/01/2020 - Planning Committee (Item 243)

243 19/01190/HOU - 1A Stretton Close, Burbage pdf icon PDF 71 KB

Application for extensions and alterations to dwelling comprising single-storey side extension, front porch and replacement detached garage.


‘Late items:’




One additional letter of objection has been received:-


1) Impact on the privacy of our garden from the dormer window which is to be obscure glazed but will still be able to be opened

2) Impact on the future value of our property.




The dormer window has been removed from the plans and therefore it is not a consideration as part of this planning application. 


The Officer recommendation remains unchanged.


Application for extensions and alterations to dwelling comprising single-storey side extension, front porch and replacement detached garage.


On the motion of Councillor RG Allen, seconded by Councillor Lynch, it was


RESOLVED – permission be granted subject to the conditions contained in the officer’s report.