Issue - meetings

19/00680/OUT - Springfield Riding School, Groby Road, Ratby

Meeting: 04/02/2020 - Planning Committee (Item 295)

295 19/00680/OUT - Springfield Riding School, Groby Road, Ratby pdf icon PDF 292 KB

Application for residential development up to 168 dwellings (Outline - access only) with associated means of access onto Markfield Road and Groby Road, car parking, new footpath links, amenity space and landscaping.


‘Late items:’




Neighbour Notification


1 further letter of objection has been received raising concerns about the lack of places in the local schools for additional children arising from the development and the local facilities in Ratby are inadequate for any additional housing.


LCC Highways


No objection subject to conditions including traffic calming measures prior to the occupation of the first dwelling.






The Officer’s report outlines the contributions required from this development in order to fund additional educational places and local services such as Ratby Library and the open spaces within the locality. It is considered that these requests are reasonable and necessary in order to mitigate against the impact of this new development in accordance with Policy DM3 of the SADMP (2016).


Highway Safety


Site Access


The proposal includes a new vehicular access from Markfield Road. The application is accompanied by a road safety audit. The Highway Authority considers that the geometry of the site access is in general accordance with the Leicestershire Highway Design Guide [LHDG] and that details of the access such as drainage and the uncontrolled pedestrian crossing location within the site access can be addressed at the detailed design stage. With regard to the visibility splays required at the site access, the application is accompanied by two speed surveys which were undertaken within the vicinity of the proposed access on Markfield Road between 6 – 12 December 2018. The results of the speed survey recorded 85%ile and 85%ile wet weather speeds in excess of the 30 mph speed limit in each direction. These results recorded are generally in accordance with the speed surveys previously carried out in the locality by the Highway Authority. 


Based on the speed survey results the submitted drawings show detailed visibility splays of 2.4 x 46 metres northbound and 2.4 x 56 metres southbound. However, the Highway Authority has expressed concern that the northbound visibility splay measure 45 metres and would require the removal of all of the vegetation fronting the site boundary with the public highway. Adjacent vegetation overhanging the highway boundary may also need to be cut back to the highway boundary.


The Highway Authority also require that in accordance with the Manual for Streets, as the speeds recorded are in excess of 37 mph, the stopping sight distances outlined in the Design Manual for Roads and Bridges (DMRB) may be more appropriate. Therefore, on the basis of 85%ile northbound speeds, a southbound visibility of 65 metres would be required as opposed to 56 metres shown on the submitted drawings.


Based on both the 85%ile and 85%ile wet weather speeds being in excess of the 30mph speed limit coupled with the restricted visibility to the north of the access, the Highway Authority has expressed their concerns that the proposals could lead to drivers pulling out  ...  view the full agenda text for item 295


Application for residential development up to 168 dwellings (outline – access only) with associated means of access onto Markfield Road and Groby Road, car parking, new footpath links, amenity space and landscaping.


Notwithstanding the officer recommendation that permission be granted, some members felt that the proposal was detrimental to highway safety, not sustainable and would result in flooding. It was MOVED by Councillor Boothby and SECONDED by Councillor Roberts that permission be refused for these reasons. Upon being put to the vote, the motion was LOST.


It was then moved by Councillor Flemming, seconded by Councillor Walker and




(i)            permission be granted subject to:


a.          The completion within three months of this resolution of a S106 agreement to secure the following obligations:

·         40% affordable housing, 75% affordable rented and 25% shared ownership

·         £5,070.00 for library facilities at Ratby Library

·         £94,833.37 for education

·         £109,890.00 for health care provision (GP practices)

·         On-site open space requirement of at least 605m2 of equipped play area; 2822m2 of casual / informal play space and 6720m2 of natural green space along with maintenance costs

·         Off-site open space contribution along with maintenance costs for 6451m2 of outdoor sports provision and any of the required natural green space which cannot be accommodated on-site, and maintenance of the green space

·         Any highway contributions that may be requested and which are deemed to be CIL compliant


b.            The conditions contained in the officer’s report and late items;


(ii)           The Planning Manager be granted powers to determine the final detail of planning conditions;


(iii)       The Planning Manager be granted powers to determine the terms of the S106 agreement including the inclusion of any highway contributions and the trigger points and clawback periods of all contributions.


Councillor Boothby left the meeting at this juncture.