Issue - meetings

17/00130/FUL - land off Hinckley Road, Stoke Golding

Meeting: 15/08/2017 - Planning Committee (Item 100)

100 17/00130/FUL - land off Hinckley Road, Stoke Golding pdf icon PDF 67 KB

Application for erection of one new dwelling and detached double garage


Late items:




Further to the publication of the Committee Report, an additional letter of objection has been received from a member of the public. The comments make reference to the Inspector's comments in an earlier dismissed appeal decision (ref: APP/K2420/A/10/2138596) in respect of a scheme for 75 new dwellings on the wider site to which the current application site is included. The comments relate to the five-year housing land supply, residential development numbers for Stoke Golding, and the policy position and spatial vision within the Core Strategy and Site Allocations and Development Management Policies (SADMP). The comments state that the Council are able to demonstrate a five-year housing land supply, that residential development within Stoke Golding has already exceeded the minimum requirement of 60 dwellings (as stated within Policy 11 of the Core Strategy), and that the SADMP states that no further residential sites are required to be allocated for Stoke Golding. Reference is also made to the implications of 'minimum requirement' within the Core Strategy policies, and that the Council has discretionary powers both to permit development above the specified minimum allocation and also to refuse such applications on a case by case basis.




The spatial distribution of growth across the Borough during the plan period 2006-2026 is set out in the adopted Core Strategy. Policy 11 of the adopted Core Strategy states that to support local services and maintain rural population levels the Council will allocate land for the development of a minimum of 60 new dwellings in Stoke Golding. Policy DM1 of the adopted SADMP provides a presumption in favour of sustainable development that accords with policies in the development plan. Further, the Council's 'Briefing Note 2016 - Five Year Housing Land Supply Position at 1 April 2016' confirms that the Council is able to demonstrate a five year housing land supply of 5.84 years.


The application site is located within the settlement boundary of Stoke Golding, and would form part of the wider residential site. The proposal dwelling would benefit from the road network and public open space within the wider site, and would be located within reasonable access to its services and facilities. Further the proposed scheme would differ in nature from the much larger scale scheme for 75 new dwellings dismissed at an earlier appeal, as it would only provide one additional dwelling.  Therefore, notwithstanding the objections raised, by virtue of its siting within the settlement boundary, small scale of development, and the benefits accessible from the wider residential site, the proposal would not have any significant adverse impact on the spatial vision of the adopted Core Strategy.


Application for erection of one new dwelling and detached double garage.


On the motion of Councillor Taylor, seconded by Councillor Kirby, it was unanimously


RESOLVED – permission be granted subject to prior completion of a section 106 agreement and conditions as outlined in the officer’s report.

Meeting: 25/04/2017 - Planning Committee (Item 458)

458 17/00130/FUL - land off Hinckley Road, Stoke Golding pdf icon PDF 79 KB

Application for erection of one new dwelling and detached double garage.


Late items:


This application has been withdrawn from Committee to allow officers additional time to negotiate the affordable housing provision.


This report was withdrawn from the agenda.

Meeting: 28/03/2017 - Planning Committee (Item 416)

416 17/00130/FUL - land off Hinckley Road, Stoke Golding pdf icon PDF 77 KB

Application for erection of one new dwelling and detached double garage.


It was noted that this item had been withdrawn from the agenda.