Issue - meetings

17/00271/FUL - Beechwood Farm, Ashby Road, Stapleton

Meeting: 20/06/2017 - Planning Committee (Item 34)

34 17/00271/FUL - Beechwood Farm, Ashby Road, Stapleton pdf icon PDF 69 KB

Application for widened vehicular access and new driveway.


Supplementary information:




A full 21 day re-consultation was carried out due to the applicant submitting an amended site location plan with a revised site boundary outlined in red.


Representation received with further comments raising additional points:


LCC Highways


1)    By allowing the two properties to be accessed independently, there will be a reduced chance of priority conflicts as the proposed northern track will provide two way capacity in addition to that of the existing track.

2)    Current visibility splays from the existing access is below current standards in a southerly direction. The proposal offers an improvement to visibility, which whilst still not to current standards (this is not considered possible) is a betterment.


Representations received but no further conditions or comments raising any additional points from the following:


LCC Ecology


No comment received from:


LCC Public Rights of Way

Ramblers Association

Peckleton Parish Council


One further letter of representation has been received from occupiers of one nearby property. The letter received raises the same concerns as the residents raised previously.




All letters of representations and concerns raised through the re-consultation and the initial consultation have been addressed in the officer’s report.


The additional comments from LCC Highways reiterate the assessment provided within the officer’s report that the creation of a two way capacity will lead to a reduction of priority conflict as vehicles no longer have to share the single existing track. LCC Highways further argue that though the visibility splay in a southerly direction will not be up to current standards. However, it will be an improvement on the southern visibility splay that is provided by the existing track. The additional comments from LCC Highways support the assessment within the officer’s report that the proposed widening of the access and new driveway would not have an adverse impact on highway safety in accordance with Policy DM17 of the SADMP.


Application for widened vehicular access and new driveway.


It was moved by Councillor Bray and seconded by Councillor Sutton that the application be approved.


Councillor Boothby felt that the proposal was dangerous and moved that it be refused. In the absence of a seconder, the motion fell.


It was subsequently




(i)            Permission be granted subject to the conditions contained in the officer’s report;


(ii)           The Head of Planning & Development be granted delegated powers to grant planning permission subject to no further letters of objection raising new and significant material planning objections being received prior to the expiry of the public consultation period ending on 28 June 2017.