Issue - meetings

18/00302/FUL - Land South of Amber Way, Burbage

Meeting: 10/10/2018 - Planning Committee (Item 212)

212 18/00302/FUL - Land South of Amber Way, Burbage pdf icon PDF 128 KB

Application for erection of 40 dwellings and associated infrastructure.

Additional documents:


Application for erection of 40 dwellings and associated infrastructure.


Following an indication at a previous meeting that members were minded to refuse permission, consideration was given to this application along with changes proposed since that meeting which included additional tree planting and aesthetic changes to the design of the houses.


Councillor Bill, seconded by Councillor Wright, proposed that by virtue of the layout, scale and design of the proposal it would not achieve a high quality development at a gateway to Hinckley and Burbage and would fail to complement or enhance the character of the surrounding area contrary to policy DM10 of the Site Allocations and Development Management Policies Development Plan Document (2016) and paragraphs 127 and 130 of the National Planning Policy Framework.


Further debate ensued in relation to the departure from the masterplan and the impact on the highway and the meeting adjourned at 7.45pm to allow members to draft an amendment to the motion. The meeting reconvened at 7.55pm.


An amendment was proposed by Councillor Hall and seconded by Councillor Bill that the application be refused on the following grounds:


-       The number of dwellings identified in the Sketchley Brook Master Plan (10/00518/OUT) would be exceeded resulting in an unsustainable development;

-       A scheme for solely residential development on this site reduces the deliverability of a mixed use scheme in accordance with allocation SA3 and the wider Master Plan which should include A class uses and D1 uses to provide community facilities;

-       The proposed layout, scale and design is not of a high quality at a gateway to Hinckley and Burbage;

-       Whilst it is appreciated that contributions towards mitigating highway impacts have been agreed, little evidence has been provided that the proposed mitigation would deliver a scheme to offset additional highway impacts on a major through route, compounded by the existing railway bridge.


This amendment was supported by Councillor Wright as seconder of the original motion.


Upon being put to the vote, the amendment was CARRIED and it was


RESOLVED – permission be refused on grounds of:


(i)            Unsuitable development;


(ii)           Conflict with the original Master Plan (10/00518/OUT) and Site Allocation Policy SA3 in not delivering community facilities;


(iii)          The layout, scale and design would not enhance the site nor be a fitting gateway to Hinckley or Burbage;


(iv)         Impact upon the highways network.

Meeting: 28/08/2018 - Planning Committee (Item 155)

155 18/00302/FUL - Land South of Amber Way, Burbage pdf icon PDF 280 KB

Application for erection of 40 dwellings and associated infrastructure.


Late items:




Condition 2: replace reference to Planning Engineering Layout/Levels Drawing Ref. FW1329 120 received by the local planning authority on 26 April 2018 with Planning Engineering Layout/Levels Drawing Ref. FW1329 120A received by the local planning authority on 21 August 2018.


Condition 17: replace reference to Planning Engineering Layout/Levels Drawing Ref. FW1329 120 received by the local planning authority on 26 April 2018 with Planning Engineering Layout/Levels Drawing Ref. FW1329 120A received by the local planning authority on 21 August 2018.


Application for erection of 40 dwellings and associated infrastructure.


Notwithstanding the officer’s recommendation that planning permission be granted subject to conditions and a S106 agreement, some members felt that the application would have a detrimental impact on the highway and on highway safety, there was no requirement for the housing and it would have an adverse impact on residential amenity. It was moved by Councillor Wright and seconded by Councillor Bray that the committee be minded to refuse permission. Upon being put to the vote, the motion was CARRIED and it was


RESOLVED – the Planning Committee be minded to refuse the application and it be brought back to a future meeting.