Issue - meetings

18/00680/FUL - Ashcroft, 4 Pipe Lane, Orton On The Hill

Meeting: 20/11/2018 - Planning Committee (Item 258)

258 18/00680/FUL - Ashcroft, 4 Pipe Lane, Orton On The Hill pdf icon PDF 59 KB

Application for erection of two dwellings (resubmission of 18/00221/FUL). Members were minded to refuse this application at a previous meeting.


‘Late items:’




A reconsultation was undertaken on the amended plan submitted on 1 November 2018 which has now expired.




An additional three neighbour letters have been received raising the following comments which have not been raised previously:-


1)         Solar panels would be out of character with the conservation area

2)         Lack of clear and precise information submitted regarding foul and land drainage

3)         Impact upon the adjacent buildings within the Conservation Area

4)         Inclusion of additional grasscrete and alteration to landscaping changes does not materially alter the scheme and only minimal alterations have been made

5)         This application proposes a significant increase to the floor area from the previously approved scheme


Twycross Parish Council has made additional comments and advise that the amended layout and information do not mitigate previous objections.





Consideration regarding the use of solar panels, the increase of floor space from the previously approved scheme and the impacts upon drainage have been assessed in the committee extract.


As stated within the committee extract, it is considered that the proposed development would preserve the character of the conservation area and the surrounding buildings. The ridge heights of the proposed dwellings are approximately 0.88 metres (Plot 1) and 1.02 metres (Plot 2) higher than the previously approved dwellings. In the context of the wider site, the ridge height of no. 4 and the land levels, the difference in ridge heights is very minor and would be negligible in the context of the surrounding area and the relationship to no. 4 Pipe Lane.


The further reduction of hardstanding, increase of the length of the central grass strip and use of grasscrete would further assimilate the proposed scheme into the surrounding area, thus further preserving the character of the conservation area.




The recommendations to committee have not changed from the original report.


Additional documents:


Application for erection of two dwellings.


It was moved by Councillor Crooks, seconded by Councillor Sutton and


RESOLVED – permission be granted subject to the conditions contained in the officer’s report.


Councillor Morrell left the meeting at this juncture.

Meeting: 10/10/2018 - Planning Committee (Item 211)

211 18/00680/FUL - Ashcroft, 4 Pipe Lane, Orton On The Hill pdf icon PDF 98 KB

Application for erection of 2 dwellings (re-submission of 18/00221/FUL).


‘Late items:’




Further to the initial consultation, the application has since been advertised by placing a notice in the local press.


No further comments have been received as a result of the advertisement.




The conclusions and recommendation for approval, subject to conditions, outlined in the planning committee report stand.


Application for erection of two dwellings (re-submission of 18/00221/FUL).


Notwithstanding the officer’s recommendation that the application be approved, some members felt that the proposal was not in keeping with the character of the conservation area. It was moved by Councillor Morrell, seconded by Councillor Hall and




(i)            the committee be minded to refuse permission and the application be brought back to a future meeting;


(ii)           the view of the conservation officer be sought.


Councillor Wright was absent during the vote.