Issue - meetings

17/01338/FUL - Former Council Depot, Middlefield Lane, Hinckley

Meeting: 20/11/2018 - Planning Committee (Item 265)

265 17/01338/FUL - Former Council Depot, Middlefield Lane, Hinckley pdf icon PDF 243 KB

Application for residential development of 54 dwellings.


‘Late items:’




Amended plans have been received which relate to the design and layout of the proposed access and road layout. The plans seek to address ensuring that the proposed access is developed to an adoptable standard prior to a Section 278 agreement. 


The submission of a Phase II Site appraisal has been submitted during the course of the application.




Leicestershire Police Designing out crime Officer, No objections subject to comments relating to designing out crime principles.




Designing out crime


Leicestershire Police have commented on the layout of the proposed development, and have no objections to the principle of the development. They have however identified that there are areas where in curtilage parking is not achieved. Due to the size and constraints of the site, in curtilage parking has been provided where it can be achieved, however through the site natural surveillance has been increased to ensure all public areas are over looked.


The use of secure boundaries would be achieved through the submission of a landscaping scheme where both hard and soft boundary treatment will be appropriately considered and secured. A request for CCTV at the access points leading into the development has been also suggested by the Police to aid deterrent of crime and help evidence gathering, however given the scale of the development and taking into consideration the layout in that the site is limited in terms of the single point of access where natural surveillance within the street scene has been secured through the design, it would not be reasonable to ensure this is provided by the developer in this instance.


Impact upon Highway safety


The proposed amendments have been designed to be in accordance with the 6C’s Design Guidance to remove the need for requested conditions by Leicestershire County Council (Highways). Formal comments on the proposed changes to ensure the access is adoptable are still outstanding from Leicestershire County Council (highways) road adoptions, however the principle of the development has been accepted, and the details of the adopted layout can be addressed by way of updated conditions following committee. 




The Phase II Site appraisal identifies that the site has been subject to infiltration testing; the findings of which concludes that the site is not considered suitable for infiltration as a drainage strategy. Subject to comments and agreement from the Lead Local Flood Authority condition 14 would no longer be necessary.




Grant planning permission subject to:


That the Interim Head of Planning be given powers to determine the final detail of planning conditions.


Application for residential development of 54 dwellings.


It was moved by Councillor Sutton, seconded by Councillor Bill and




(i)            Permission be granted subject to:


a.    The prior completion of a S106 agreement to secure the following obligations:


·         100% affordable housing provision

·         Play and open space contributions:

o   Provision: £66,995.65

o   Maintenance: £46,219.60

·         Health contribution: £27,198.60

·         Travel packs for the future occupiers (£52.85 per pack)

·         Six month bus passes (two per dwelling) at approximately £360 per pass;


b.    Conditions contained in the officer’s report;


(ii)           The interim Head of Planning be granted delegated powers to determine the final detail of planning conditions;


(iii)          The interim Head of Planning be granted delegated powers to determine the terms of the S106 agreement including trigger points and claw back periods.