Issue - meetings

Polling place review

Meeting: 05/11/2019 - Council (Item 212)

212 Polling place review pdf icon PDF 140 KB

To seek approval of the 2019 polling district and polling place review for publication.

Additional documents:


The 2019 Polling District and Polling Place review was presented to Council. Aside from the information contained within the report, it was noted that a small number of polling stations would be in different venues for the forthcoming general election due to availability at such a busy time of year. In response to a question, members were assured that no reduction in the number of polling stations was proposed and any changes in the review were to improve flexibility.


Officers were asked to look again at the use of Barlestone Community Hall as it was not easily accessible either from the car park due to deep gravel or the other entrance due to a steep incline. Concern was expressed about the distance to the George Ward Centre in Barwell from the some of the residents who would need to vote there. It was also requested that the gate from Mount Road to the leisure centre car park be opened on polling date to assist those having to arrive by car due to the distance of the polling station from many residents’ homes.


It was moved by Councillor Bray, seconded by Councillor Cartwright and


RESOLVED – the Polling District and Polling Place review be approved.