Agenda and minutes

Hinckley Area Committee - Wednesday, 11 July 2018 6.30 pm

Venue: De Montfort Suite, Hinckley Hub. View directions

Contact: Rebecca Owen  Democratic Services Officer

No. Item


Apologies for absence


Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of Councillors Bray and Mrs Cope.


Minutes of the previous meeting pdf icon PDF 51 KB

To confirm the minutes of the previous meeting.



On the motion of Councillor Bill, seconded by Councillor Mr Cope it was


RESOLVED – the minutes of the meeting held on 16 January 2018 be confirmed and signed by the chairman.


Declarations of interest

To receive verbally from Members any disclosures which they are required to make in accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct or in pursuance of Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992. This is in addition to the need for such disclosure to be also given when the relevant matter is reached on the agenda.


Councillor Witherford declared a personal interest in item 7 (Hinckley Community Initiative Fund) and item 8(f) (Worklink project – nesting boxes) as a trustee of Worklink.


Financial outturn 2017/18 pdf icon PDF 124 KB

To present the 2017/18 revenue and capital outturn for the Hinckley (special expenses) area.


The 2017/18 revenue and capital outturn for the special expenses area was presented to members.


RESOLVED – the report be noted.


Hinckley Community Initiative Fund pdf icon PDF 134 KB

To seek support for the allocation of grant funding through the Hinckley Community Initiative Fund 2018/19.


Members received a report which outlined bids for funding through the Hinckley Community Initiative Fund 2018/19 and recommended endorsement of additional funding to be able to support all applications received. Members asked for clarification as it appeared that one applicant was receiving more than they requested, and another was to receive less. Officers agreed to check the recommendations.


It was moved by Councillor Nichols, seconded by Councillor Hodgkins and




(i)            The funding allocation of £10,000 be supported;


(ii)           The option of funding a further £1,724 be supported;


(iii)          The carry forward request of £520 be supported.


Flowers & planting


Councillor Kirby reminded the committee that it had been agreed to arrange for planters at the gateways to the town and wildflower planting along Leicester Road, for which volunteers had come forward. Concern was expressed that there was no visible progress on the matter. In response, officers reported that planters had been installed but, in relation to the wildflower sowing, a license to cultivate was awaited from Leicestershire County Council who was awaiting information from Severn Trent in relation to pipework along the route. It was agreed that planting should now wait until the autumn, particularly in light of the risk of a hose pipe ban.


The possibility of undertaking additional grass cutting between cuts by the county council was discussed but it was suggested this may set a precedent.


Officers agreed to circulate a list of planters to members so volunteers could be asked to come forward in each ward. It was suggested that planters could be offered for adoption, for example local schools may wish to maintain one. It was suggested that this could be advertised via social media.


In relation to the planters by the station, it was noted that officers were working with Friends of Hinckley Station to maintain them.


Proms in the Park


Members discussed Proms in the Park and the possibility of resurrecting it. It was acknowledged that it was too late now for 2018, but the committee asked that the Cultural Services Manager be asked to bring a report to the next meeting on the possibility of and projected costs for an event in 2019.


Friends of Hinckley Station


It was noted that this had been dealt with when discussing flowers and planting.


Yarn bombing


The chairman reported that there was a group of knitters in Hinckley who wanted to yarn bomb and had asked where they could decorate. It was suggested that they be put in touch with the Assistant Town Centre Manager to agree locations.


Leicester Road grass cutting


This had already been discussed under the ‘flowers and planting’ item.


Worklink project - nesting boxes


A member asked whether the council could buy additional nesting boxes from Worklink as they had already donated some and it would be good to extend them to other parks in the town. It was agreed that this would be explored.


Developing Communities Fund


A member asked whether the Developing Communities Fund for the Hinckley area had progressed and in response it was explained that the governance criteria had not been set and would need to be formally agreed before the funding could be accessed. It was agreed to defer the matter pending further information.