Agenda item

16/00441/FUL - Cedar Lawns, Church Street, Burbage

Application for conversion of offices (B1a) to five flats (C3) including demolition of single storey rear extension, conversion of outbuilding to one dwelling and erection of three new dwellings.


Late items received after preparation of the agenda:




A full 14 day re-consultation was carried out on the amended layout and detailing no further conditions or comments raising any additional points were received from the following:


LCC Drainage
LCC Developer Contributions
LCC Highways
LCC Archaeology
LCC Ecology
HBBC Affordable Housing Officer
HBBC Conservation Officer
HBBC Environmental Health (Pollution)
HBBC Waste
HBBC Drainage
HBBC Compliance and Monitoring Officer
Burbage Parish Council
Environment Agency


Seven further letters of representation have been received from four separate addresses. The letters received raise the same concerns as previously as well as:

1)         Loss of trees within the site and the conservation area
2)         Lack of consultation

3)         Use of a private alleyway from Church Street to land rear of 66-72
4)         Land levels differing throughout the site




All letters of representations and concerns raised through the re-consultation and the initial consultation have been addressed in the Officer’s report.


Concerns have arisen regarding the loss of trees within the site and the conservation area. It is proposed to remove a number of trees within the site as part of this application. All trees to be removed are highlighted within the relevant plans. The removal of the tree to the front of the site would reveal the existing front elevation and allow for a greater appreciation of the significance of the Cedar Lawns. Two trees to the rear of the site are to be removed which do not significantly add to the character of the conservation area. The landscaping scheme shows a large number of improvements to the site, including additional planting and landscaping to all areas of the application site. It shows that benefits can be achieved through an appropriate landscaping scheme which outweighs any harm arising from the development. To ensure that the benefits are carried out, a full and detailed landscaping scheme including different specimen types is to be submitted and secured by condition.

Concerns have arisen regarding the lack of consultation during the application process. All known landowners where consulted as part of the application. In addition to this, site notices were posted within the vicinity of the site and a notice was displayed in the local press. An additional site notice was displayed and another notice was displayed in the local press as part of the re-consultation process on the amended scheme.


Concerns have also arisen regarding the use of a locked private alleyway linking Church Street and land to the rear of 66-72 Church Street. It is expressed that the use of the alleyway would not be used for the occupiers of the converted bungalow, however a proposed 1.8 metre high fence is proposed along the border of the site to the alleyway. Further to this, the access rights of this alleyway is a civil matter.


Concerns have arisen regarding the land levels of the site, especially to the rear of 66-72 Church Street and potential overlooking or impact upon residential amenity. To ensure the levels of the proposed buildings are in keeping with the existing buildings on site and do not impact upon the residential amenity of neighbouring properties, a suitably worded condition is recommended in the officers report requiring existing and proposed levels to be submitted prior to commencement.


Concerns have been raised regarding the use of a timber fence along the boundary to Plot 1 and the rear gardens of nos. 66-72 Church Street being out of keeping with the area and the conservation area. A brick wall would be more in keeping with the character of the area and the site as a whole where the majority of the boundary treatment are or are proposed to be brick walls.  An amended plan has been received and showing a brick wall along this boundary and an additional condition is also recommended to secure this.


Concerns have arisen regarding the loss of the boundary wall separating the land to the rear of Cedar Lawns and the land to the rear of 66-72 Church Street. The currently undeveloped land to the rear of 66-72 Church Street would have limited encroachment from built development and will mainly form rear gardens and parking areas, reflecting its historical openness. Car parking and access would be provided to the rear of the dwelling. This land was a former orchard but currently has no trees and is of poor quality with a scrub like appearance. The landscaping scheme requires that the gardens would be laid with lawn with a number of specimen trees planted along the boundaries. This land would have a green character and the appearance of the land can be maintained through its use as gardens for the new dwelling and converted outbuilding. There is the potential for a range of specimens to be planted that reflect the historical use of the land as an orchard and the planting of semi-mature trees would reflect the rural character of the conservation area. Such planting is suggested as a means of an enhancement of this section of the conservation area. Further to this, the access to the parking and turning area to this part of the application would be bounded by a dwarf wall, railing and hedging which would provide a soft appearance; this would be secured by condition. Concerns have arisen regarding the use of this land being left to run down, resulting in its poor quality. This application provides the opportunity to bring this area of land which is currently of poor quality back to its former use and will hopefully alleviate concerns regarding the quality of this land.


The materials to be used on all external building are to be submitted via condition 3. It is proposed to ensure that timber painted windows are proposed to all new dwellings to ensure the character of the conservation area is enhanced and the proposed buildings complement the existing Cedar Lawns.


Recommendation:- No change


Amended Condition


2.       The development hereby permitted shall not be carried out otherwise than in complete accordance with the submitted application details, as follows:

Proposed Bungalows, Drg. No. 16/20/13 Rev. B (scale 1:100) received by the Local Planning Authority on 7 February 2017


          Proposed House Drg. No. 16/20/15 Rev. A (scale 1:100), Block Plan Drg. No. 16/20/05 Rev. G (scale 1:200) and Site Plan Drg. No. 16/20/14 Rev. D (scale 1:200) received by the Local Planning Authority on 8 February 2017 and


          Proposed Outbuilding Conversion, Drg. No. 16/20/12 Rev. D (scale 1:100) and Proposed Elevations Drg. No. 16/20/10 Rev. C (scale 1:100) and Proposed Floor Plans Drg. No. 16/20/04 Rev. B (scale 1:100) received by the Local Planning Authority on 28 February 2017.


Reason: To ensure a satisfactory impact of the development to accord with Policies DM1 and DM10 of the adopted Site Allocations and Development Management Policies Development Plan Document.


Additional Condition


17.     Notwithstanding the submitted details on approved plan Block Plan Drg. No. 16/20/05 Rev. G (scale 1:200) and Site Plan Drg. No. 16/20/14 Rev. D (scale 1:200) received by the Local Planning Authority on 8 February 2017, the proposed boundary treatments between plot 1 and the rear gardens of no. 66-72 Church Street are to be constructed using a brick wall.


          Reason: To ensure that the development has a satisfactory external appearance to accord with Policies DM10, DM11 and DM12 of the adopted Site Allocations and Development Management Policies Development Plan Document.


Application for conversion of offices (B1a) to five flats (C3) including demolition of single storey rear extension, conversion of outbuilding to one dwelling and erection of three new dwellings.


It was moved by Councillor Sutton, seconded by Councillor Hodgkins and


RESOLVED – planning permission be granted subject to the conditions contained in the officer’s report and late items.

Supporting documents: