Agenda item

17/01043/HYB - Land East Of Hinckley Island Hotel, Watling Street, Burbage

Hybrid application.                              


‘Late items:’


Site:- Land East Of, Hinckley Island Hotel, Watling Street, Burbage


Proposal:- Full planning application for the erection of a 29,563 sqm storage and distribution facility (Use Class B8), including ancillary offices, salt barn, tyre and vehicle storage unit, vehicle maintenance unit, canteen and security office, service yard and HGV parking, car parking, landscaping, and other associated development, a 49,470 sqm industrial/ storage and distribution unit (Use Class B1c/B2/B8) including ancillary offices, service yard and HGV parking, car parking, landscaping, and other associated development, creation of a new access from the A5, internal spine road and associated infrastructure, including earthworks, a new substation access from the A5, and temporary construction access from the A5; and


Outline application with all matters reserved except for access, for up to 42,000 sqm of Use Class B1c, B2 and B8 floorspace, including ancillary offices, service yards and HGV parking, car parking, landscaping, and other associated development, located at land east of Hinckley Island Hotel, Watling Street, Burbage, Hinckley




Additional comments have been received following the submission of revised plans; these are summarised below.


Two further objections have been received from members of the public:


1)Revised plans do not address the problems

2)Drawing referred to is an existing layout


Jury’s Inn Hotel re-iterate their concerns to the proposal:


1)Noise and disturbance will increase particularly in the critical early morning hours when traffic is at the moment light

2)Hotel rooms are not used ‘sporadically’ they run at 85% occupancy throughout the year

3)Note that HBBC Environmental Health has concerns re noise conditions

4)More consideration should be given to the ways in which noise can be mitigated and detailed conditions imposed to ensure continued commercial viability of the hotel

5)The Hotel employs 180 people who make a significant contribution to the economy of the Borough; insufficient weight has been given to the determination of the application.


Burbage Parish Council make the following comments:


1)Discussion ensued on the pedestrian/cycle route as set out within the plans and it was ascertained that this will form part of the plans for the site

2)No other objections raised as amendments are changes to be made to the access and egress of the site for both transport and public travelling to and from the site


HBBC Environmental Health has no further comments


HBBC Waste reiterates a previously recommended condition


Historic England has no further comments


Natural England has no further comments


S106 Monitoring Officer has no further comments


LCC Ecology note that they are pleased to see the revised parameters plan clearly shows the area where landscaping will be agreed at a later stage, in association with the reserved matters application.


Updated consultation responses have been received from LCC Archaeology and the Lead Local Flood Authority; these are summarised below.


LCC Archaeology do not object subject to provision for a programme of archaeological mitigation (targeted investigation and recording), to take place in advance of development and to be secured by condition on any planning approval


Lead Local Flood Authority - Updated plans have been submitted which do not identify change to the proposed surface water drainage scheme and therefore, the previous LLFA response still stands in full.


S106 Contributions


Draft Heads of Terms have been received from the application; which provide the following updates on the obligations to be secured:


Provision of a Bus service (which may include an extension to the existing no8 bus service) and a new bus stop to service the site. This will be in accordance with an agreed timetable and specification.  Unless otherwise agreed with the County Council and subject to the cap, the bus service will be provided on occupation of 100,000 square feet of the development and for 5 years thereafter. The cost of providing the bus service, bus stop and associated infrastructure will be capped at £250,000 in total.


Unless otherwise agreed with the County Council and subject to the cap, a bus pass will be offered to everyone employed within 3 months of first Occupation of each individual unit. The cost of doing so is to be capped at £215,000 (with £215,000 being 25% of 2,395 projected employees at £360 per bus pass).


Payment of a Highways Contribution of £150,000 to the County Council (with £150,000 representing the amount requested by the County Council).


The provision of travel packs to all employees of the development on first occupation of the relevant part of the site, with the cost of doing so to be capped at £125,000 (with £125,000 being the cost of providing travel packs for 100% of the projected workforce at the site).


The provision of a travel plan, including the appointment of a travel plan co-ordinator and payment of a travel plan monitoring fee of £11,337.50 (figure provided by the County Council).


Commitment to a local employment and skills strategy during the construction of the buildings on site.



Officer Comments:-


In reference to the response received from the Jury’s Inn Hotel; noise and disturbance have been assessed as part of the application process by HBBC Environmental Health Officer who is satisfied with the proposed development subject to the imposition of detailed conditions which will ensure that noise impact can be mitigated. The reference to ‘sporadic’ use of the hotel is not in terms of the level of occupation of the hotel; but to the fact that occupants change from night to night.


Recommendation:-  Approve subject to the prior completion of a S106 agreement as set out in paragraph 11.1 of the case officer’s committee report and amended in line with the above figures set out within the Heads of Terms; and the conditions as set out in paragraph 11.4 of the report and as set out below:-


Condition: No development approved by this planning permission shall take place until such time as a surface water drainage scheme has been submitted to, and approved in writing by, the Local Planning Authority.


Reason:- To prevent flooding by ensuring the satisfactory storage and disposal of surface water from the site and to ensure compliance with Policy DM7 of the Site Allocations and Development Management Policies DPD.


Condition:- No development approved by this planning permission shall take place until such time as details in relation to the management of surface water on site during construction of the development has been submitted to, and approved in writing by, the Local Planning Authority.


Reason:- To prevent an increase in flood risk, maintain the existing surface water runoff quality, and to prevent damage to the final surface water management systems though the entire development construction phase to ensure compliance with Policy DM7 of the Site Allocations and Development Management Policies DPD.


Condition:- No development approved by this planning permission shall take place until such time as infiltration testing has been carried out to confirm (or otherwise) the suitability of the site for the use of infiltration as a drainage element, and the FRA has been updated accordingly to reflect this in the drainage strategy.


Reason:-To demonstrate that the site is suitable (or otherwise) for the use of infiltration techniques as part of the drainage strategy and to ensure compliance with Policy DM7 of the Site Allocations and Development Management Policies DPD.


Additional Note to Applicant:-


The Written Scheme of Investigation (WSI) must be prepared by an archaeological contractor acceptable to the Planning Authority.  To demonstrate that the implementation of this written scheme of investigation has been secured the applicant must provide a signed contract or similar legal agreement between themselves and their approved archaeological contractor.


The Historic and Natural Environment Team, as advisors to the planning authority, will monitor the archaeological work, to ensure that the necessary programme of archaeological work is undertaken to the satisfaction of the planning authority.


The scheme shall include the utilisation of holding sustainable drainage (SuDS) techniques with the incorporation of sufficient treatment trains to maintain or improve the existing water quality; the limitation of surface water run-off to equivalent greenfield rates; the ability to accommodate surface water run-off on-site up to the critical 1 in 100 year return period event plus an appropriate allowance for climate change, based upon the submission of drainage calculations; and the responsibility for the future maintenance of drainage features.


Full details for the drainage proposal should be supplied, including but not limited to, headwall details, pipe protection details (e.g. trash screens), long sections and full model scenarios for the 1 in 1, 1 in 30 and 1 in 100 year plus climate change return periods.



Hybrid application for storage facility, industrial storage and distribution unit, access, landscaping and other associated development.


Notwithstanding the officer recommendation that the application be approved, some members felt that the application would be detrimental to visual amenity and would cause traffic issues.


It was moved by Councillor Hall and seconded by Councillor Roberts that the committee be minded to refuse the application for reasons of loss of visual amenity from zones 2 and 3, impact on the highway due to additional vehicle movements by employees of the site and development in the open countryside.


Upon being put to the vote, the motion was LOST.


It was moved by Councillor Sutton, seconded by Councillor Ladkin and




(i)            Permission be granted subject to:


·         The prior completion of a S106 agreement to secure the following obligations:


o   A contribution towards improvements to the wider highway network within Hinckley as detailed in the late items

o   Provision of bus services and contribution towards future service. New bus stop infrastructure must include but not be limited to: bus stops, bus shelters, facilitation of real time information, raised kerbs, lighting and timetable information as detailed in the late items

o   One travel pack per employee of £52.85 from first occupation

o   One six month bus pass per employee at an average of £360 per pass to be offered on commencement of bus service provision on site

o   Framework travel plan monitoring fee of £11,337.50

o   Site wide travel plan co-ordinator to be funded and employed by the applicant from the commencement of development until five years following full occupation.

·         Provision of opportunities for apprenticeships and work experience and employment and skills related training during the construction of the development as detailed in the late items;

·         The conditions outlined in the officer’s report and late items.


(ii)           The Planning Manager (Development Management) be granted delegated powers to determine the final details of planning conditions;


(iii)          The Planning Manager (Development Management) be granted delegated powers to determine the terms of the S106 agreement including trigger points and claw back periods.

Supporting documents: