Agenda item

18/00425/FUL - Horiba Mira Ltd, Watling Street, Caldecote, Nuneaton

Application for construction of a Connected and Autonomous Vehicle (CAV) testing track, a control tower and storage building, ground works, landscaping and associated infrastructure.


Late items:


Additional information submitted by applicant:-


The applicant has confirmed that the temporary construction access from Fenn Lanes will be removed and all construction vehicles will use the existing A5 access to the MIRA site.


The applicant has also submitted a document which is a response to the Battlefield Trust and Richard III Society comments. This can be found in Appendix 3 of this supplementary agenda.




Highways England: Has been re-consulted due to the removal of the temporary access from Fenn Lanes. Highways England have no objection to the proposal, however request that condition 18 require the Construction Traffic Management Plan to be submitted for formal approval by the Local Planning Authority in conjunction with Highways England.


Leicestershire County Council (Highways): Has been re-consulted as the local highway authority due to the removal of the temporary access from Fenn Lanes. The local highway authority state: ‘The LHA would welcome the scheme amendment and removal of the temporary access proposals onto the Fenn Lanes which gave rise to significant concerns over highway safety. The LHA would formally remove the previously advised objection and reason for refusal to application 18/00425/FUL.’


Battlefields Trust and Richard III Society: Additional comments have been received. These comments can be found in Appendix 1 and Appendix 2 of this supplementary agenda.


Leicester and Leicestershire Enterprise Partnership (LLEP): Have written in support of the application. THE LLEP state:


‘The LLEP is a key stakeholder in MIRA Technology Park, which is seen as one of the UK’s leading Enterprise Zones, and a recent recipient of the prestigious Queens Award for Enterprise in International Trade.


Being closely involved in the development of the Enterprise Zone, we see the Technology Park as having a continued important role in attracting considerable inward investment to the region and as a major economic driver in the creation of high-value jobs locally. This is reflected through the recognition of the site as an important growth opportunity within our Local Industrial Strategy Prospectus.


The proposed Connected Autonomous Vehicle test facility is a significant opportunity to support this growth, and the associated job creation, by the establishment of a national centre within the region for this important growing industry sector. We therefore fully support the proposals for this facility and hope that its full economic impact is appropriately recognised in consideration of the application.’


The American Battlefield Trust: Have written a letter in opposition to application 18/00425/FUL. The American Battlefield Trust raise the following issues:


  • Any development of this area as currently envisioned would cause irreparable harm to this historic landscape
  • The hallowed grounds, when properly protected, are living memorials – not just to the soldiers who fought there, but to all those across time who have answered their country’s call to service in the armed forces
  • Preserved battlefield are outdoor classrooms, teaching students of all ages that the freedoms we enjoy today were secured on the battlegrounds of our forebears
  • Preserved battlefields are economic engines, encouraging tourism to local communities. Heritage tourists spend considerable money on restaurants, lodging and other pursuits, generating tax revenue and supporting jobs


Neighbour Consultations: Since the drafting of the report (Item 7) to planning committee an additional 100 responses have been received. 9% of these additional responses live within the borough, 77% of the additional responses live outside of the borough but within the UK and 14% of the responses were across the world (outside of the UK). These comments raise similar issues to that previous reported and a further issue has been raised which states:


  • The applicant should fund in full the conservation, interpretation, access and display, of any artefacts or associated material discovered funding the court of archaeological work and staff time associated with the work as appropriate. Such material and associate information should be made publicly accessible through the Bosworth Battlefield Heritage Centre registered museum, and museum education and outreach services accordingly. The work undertaken should be at no cost to Leicestershire County Council museum services.


An online petition has been submitted which objects to this planning application which at the time of writing this report has 14,783 signatures. For a petition to be accepted by the council it must include the following: 1)            A clear and concise statement covering the subject of the petition and what action the petitioners wish the council to take; and 2) The name and address and signature of any person supporting the petition. This petition cannot be accepted as it does not identify the names and addresses of all persons which has signed the petition.




The removal of the temporary construction access from Fenn Lanes has removed the Leicestershire County Council Highways objection. There are no objections from Highways England for the use of the A5 access for all construction access. The impact of the development upon the highway network and highway safety is considered to be acceptable and in accordance with Policy DM17 of the Site Allocations and Development Management Policies DPD and paragraph 109 of the NPPF. Following this change condition 2 will need to be amended to remove the reference to the temporary construction access and conditions 19 and 25 should be removed.


Recommendation:- APPROVE subject to the conditions in the agenda and the amendment to conditions 2 and 18 and removal of conditions 19 and 25.


Amend condition 2 to read:


2.           The development hereby permitted shall not be carried out otherwise than in complete accordance with the submitted application details, as follows:-


·                  Proposed Plans and Elevations Drg. No. 7635 150 A (scale 1:100 and 1:50) received by the local planning authority on 3 May 2018

·                  Site Location Plan Drg. No. 7635 100 A (scale 1:1250)

·                  Proposed Site Plan Drg. No. 7635 150 B (scale 1:200) received by the local planning authority on 29 June 2018

·                  TIC-IT Administration Area – Site Plan Drg No. 4501613/SK/18 Rev B (Scale 1L250)

·                  Proposed Control Building and Storage Building Drg No. 4501613/SK/19 Rev A

·                  TIC-IT Typical Details of Comms Masts Drg No 4501613/SK/032 Rev A

·                  Sections – sheet 1 Drg No.1238-TP-00-00-DR-L-5001 Rev P02 (scale 1:200)

·                  Sections – sheet 2 Drg No. 1238-TF-00-00-DR-L-5002 Rev P02 (scale 1:200)

·                  Tree Retentions and Removals Plan Drg No. BH/03 Sheet 2 of 2 (scale 1:1000) received by the local planning authority on 20 July 2018

·                  Proposed Layout Drg No. 4501613/SK22 Rev D (scale 1:2000) received by the local planning authority on 24 July 2018

·                  Proposed Palisade Fence Drg No. 4501613/SK/30 Rev B

·                  CCTV Location Drg No. 4501613/SK/64 (Scale 1:2000)

·                  Proposed Levels Drg No.4501613/SK/31 Rev D  (Scale 1:2000)

·                  Landscape Proposals 1238-TF-00-00-DR-L-1001 Rev P03

·                  Landscape Proposals 1238-TF-00-00-DR-L-1002 Rev P04

·                  Tree Retentions and Removals Plan Drg No. BH/03 Sheet 1 of 2 Rev 01 received by the local planning authority on 8 August 2018


     Reason: To ensure that the development has a satisfactory appearance in the interests of visual amenity to accord with Policies DM1 and DM10 of the Site Allocations and Development Management Policies Development Plan Document.

Amend condition 18 to read:


18.         Prior to commencement of development a Construction Traffic and Environmental Management Plan shall be submitted to and agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority in conjunction with Highways England.  The plan shall detail how, during the site preparation and construction phase of the development, the impact on existing residential premises and the environment shall be prevented or mitigated from dust, odour, noise, smoke, light and land contamination. Additionally the plan shall include details of the routing of construction traffic wheel cleansing facilities, vehicle parking facilities and a timetable for their provision.  The plan shall detail how such controls will be monitored.  The plan will provide a procedure for the investigation of complaints. The approved details outlined in the management plan shall be implemented throughout the site preparation and construction phase.

Reason: To ensure the construction period of the development does not have a detrimental impact upon existing residential amenity and highway safety in accordance with Policy DM7, DM10 and DM17 of the Site Allocations and Development Management Policies DPD (2016).


Delete Condition 19 and Condition 25 both regarding the temporary construction access off Fenn Lane which is no longer required.


Application for construction of a connected and autonomous vehicle (CAV) testing track, a control tower and storage building, ground works, landscaping and associated infrastructure.


It was moved by Councillor Hall and seconded by Councillor Morrell that permission be granted subject to the conditions contained in the officer’s report and late items. Upon being put to the vote, the motion was CARRIED and it was


RESOLVED – permission be granted subject to the conditions contained in the officer’s report and as amended in the late items.


Councillors Bill, Crooks, Lynch, Richards and Wright wished it to be recorded that they voted against the motion.

Supporting documents: