Agenda item

18/01038/REM - Former Highway Land, Leicester Road, Groby

Application for approval of reserved matters (layout, scale, appearance and landscaping) of outline planning permission 15/00767/OUT for residential development of 30 dwellings.


Late items:




An amended site layout plan has been received, which included some garden details to Plot 11, in the form of one step to the front of the property and two to the rear garden.


The applicant has also provided additional plans, one which provides a solar analysis of proposed plots 1 and 2 in respect properties to the north within Bluebell Drive and Daisy Close. Further landscaping proposals which identifies the proposed boundary treatments to serve the development has also been provided.




Six additional letters have been received since the publishing of the committee item. Raising the following new matters:-


    1)        Agree with all of the objections; No.s 1-23

    2)        No details of the proposed development were posted at the site itself

    3)        Should think about how they are going to offset the carbon footprint when cutting down the trees and taking up vital co2 absorbing shrubbery which protects residents from the A50 pollution and noise




Lead local Flood Authority, no objection


Leicestershire Police Designing out crime Officer, No objections subject to comments relating to designing out crime principles.




Designing out crime


Leicestershire Police have commented on the layout of the proposed development, and have no objections to the principle of the development. They have however identified that there are areas where in curtilage parking is not achieved. Due to the size and constraints of the site, in curtilage parking has been provided where it can be achieved, however through the site natural surveillance has been increased to ensure all public areas are over looked.


The use of secure boundaries would be achieved through the submission of a landscaping scheme where both hard and soft boundary treatment will be appropriately considered and secured.


The proposed development is accessed via a single point from Leicester Road, with a single roadway proposed, with no through route, and therefore there are no permeability issues. A request for CCTV by Leicestershire Police at the access point to allow number plate images to be obtained to deter unauthorised vehicles entering the application point, and clear field vision through out the development and the maximisation of active street frontages to aid deterrent of crime and help evidence gathering. However given the scale of the development and taking into consideration the layout in that the site is limited in terms of the single point of access where natural surveillance within the street scene has been secured through the design, it would not be reasonable to ensure this is provided by the developer in this instance. The Police have also requested an opportunity to explore the potential for S106 funding, however this is a reserved matters scheme and all Section 106 obligations were secured at outline under application 15/00767/OUT, at the time the Police did not request any obligations.


Impact upon neighbouring amenity


The application has been supported with the submission of a solar analysis, which identifies the existing solar impact to those dwellings within Bluebell Drive and Daisy Close, and the proposed impact upon those dwellings resulting from plots 1 and 2. The solar analysis provides both the summer and winter scenario through the course of the day, from morning, noon until afternoon. The solar analysis identifies that at present the rear of these properties within Daisy Close and Bluebell Drive experience overshadowing within the latter part of the winter sun from the existing trees which have self set and unmanaged. The proposed development would also during the latter part of a winters day would result in some shadowing from proposed plots 1 and 2, however this would be temporary and limited to the latter part of the day in a winter sun, and therefore would not be detrimental to these properties, especially when regard is had to the existing relationship of the shadowing produced by the trees. 


Objections have been raised in respect of the boundary treatment to the proposed development and the impact of headlights shining into neighbouring properties when parking. The application is subject to the proposed imposition of a condition for the submission of a hard and soft landscaping scheme, however the applicant has provided an indicative boundary treatment plan identifying enclosures across the site. This ensures that parking to plots 25 – 28 is enclosed to the south and therefore avoiding light shine to the rear of those properties along Leicester Road. 


Impact upon Highway safety


The proposed amendments have been designed to be in accordance with the 6C’s Design Guidance to remove the need for requested conditions by Leicestershire County Council (Highways). Formal comments on the proposed changes to ensure the access is adoptable are still outstanding from Leicestershire County Council (highways) road adoptions, however the principle of the development has been accepted, and the details of the adopted layout can be addressed by way of updated conditions following committee. 




Since the writing of the publishing of the committee report, comments from the Lead Local Flood Authority were outstanding, on the submitted details which were submitted as part of the reserved matters application. The Lead Local Flood Authority has confirmed they have no objection to the proposed development and the documents submitted are sufficient for the LLFA to support the approval of reserved matters in terms of surface water flood risk and drainage. However it should be noted that the proposed drainage scheme is reserved by conditions 7 and 8 imposed on permission 15/00575/OUT and is not a matter for consideration for this application. Therefore subject to compliance with the conditions imposed on the outline planning permission the development would not exacerbate flooding in accordance with Policy DM7 of the SADMP.


Other matters


A site notice was displayed at the application site and the proposed development was publicised within the Leicester Mercury.


The sustainability of the site for residential development was considered as part of the outline permission (15/00767/OUT).




Grant planning permission subject to:


That the Interim Head of Planning be given powers to determine the final detail of planning conditions.


Amend the following conditions:-


  1. The development hereby permitted shall not be carried out except in complete accordance with the details shown on the submitted plans:-


Site Location Plan - Dwg No. 218041 - PL13 received 12 October 2018

Proposed Floor Plans and Elevations Plots 14--21 Drg No.218041 - PL04 Rev B

Proposed Floor Plans and Elevations Plots 11, 12 &13 Drg No.218041 - PL05 Rev B

Proposed Floor Plans and Elevations Plots 22, 23, & 24 Drg No.218041 - PL06 Rev A

Proposed Floor Plans and Elevations Plots 25 & 26 Drg No.218041 - PL07 Rev A

Proposed Floor Plans and Elevations Plots 27 & 28 Drg No.218041 - PL08 Rev C

received on the 19 November 2018

Proposed Floor Plans & Elevations PLOTS 01 & 02 - Drg No. 218041 - PL03 Rev B

Proposed Floor Plans & Elevations PLOTS 03 - 10 & 14 Drg No. 218041 - PL04 Rev C

Proposed Floor Plans & Elevations Plots 29 & 30 - Drg No.  218041 - PL09 - Rev C

Proposed Site Sections - Drg No. 218041 - PL15

Proposed External Works, Dg No. 1048-117 Rev A

Proposed Site Sections, Drg No. 218041-PL15 Rev A

Earthworks Plan - Drg No. 1048 – 118

Received on the 23 January 2019


Detailed Landscape Proposals 1 of 2 Drg No. 18.1406.001 Rev B

Detailed Landscape Proposals 2 of 2 Drg No. 18.1406.002 Rev B

Boundary Treatment Drg No. 218041-PL16

Received on the 13 February 2019


Proposed Site Layout - Drg No. 218041 - PL01 - Rev R, received on the 15 February 2019


Reason: To ensure a satisfactory impact of the development to accord with Policies DM1 and DM10 of the adopted Site Allocations and Development Management Policies DPD.


  1. Notwithstanding the details submitted on landscaping scheme Dwg No’s:


Detailed Landscape Proposals 1 of 2 Drg No. 18.1406.001Rev B

Detailed Landscape Proposals 2 of 2 Drg No. 18.1406.002 Rev B


No development shall take place until full details of both hard and soft landscape works have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority and these works shall be carried out as approved. These details shall include:


a)     Means of enclosure

b)     Car parking layouts

c)     Other vehicle and pedestrian access and circulation areas

d)     Hard surfacing materials

e)     Minor artefacts and structures (e.g. furniture, play equipment, refuse

f)      or other storage units, signs, lighting, etc.)

g)     Planting plans

h)     Written specifications

i)       Schedules of plans, noting species, plant sizes and proposed numbers/densities where appropriate

j)       Implementation and Management programme for the site including retained woodland


Reason: To ensure that the development has a satisfactory external appearance and enhances and conserves the biodiversity of the application site to accord with Policy DM4, DM6 and DM10 of the Site Allocations and Development Management Policies DPD.


  1. Prior to occupation of the development hereby approved, areas of parking as indicated on Proposed Site Layout - Drg No. 218041 - PL01 - Rev R shall be provided, hard surfaced and marked out.


Reason: To ensure that there is adequate parking provision to serve the development, and avoid on street parking to accord with Policies DM17 and DM18 of the Site Allocations and Development Management Policies DPD.


Application for approval of reserved matters (layout, scale, appearance and landscaping) of outline planning permission 15/00767/OUT for residential development of 30 dwellings.


It was moved by Councillor Ladkin, seconded by Councillor Morrell and




(i)            Reserved matters be approved subject to the conditions in the officer’s report and late items;


(ii)           The Interim Head of Planning be granted delegated powers to determine the final detail of planning conditions.


Councillor Hollick was absent during voting on the motion.

Supporting documents: