Issue - decisions

General Fund Revenue Budget 2013/14

17/03/2014 - Draft General Fund Revenue Budget 2013/14

The Commission was provided with the draft 2013/14 General Fund budget. During discussion, the following was raised:


  • The future of the New Homes Bonus was queried and concern was expressed about the potential for the scheme to end in two years’ time and the impact this would have on Council and Parish funding. The Chief Executive agreed to seek clarity over future funding from DCLG.
  • The implications of the Council Tax Support Grant were questioned in light of the proposals to freeze council tax for the fifth year running. Members were informed that to increase it by 2% or more would require a referendum, which would cost more than the revenue from the Council Tax. The importance of keeping a balance between supporting the most vulnerable and keeping Council Tax increases to a minimum was reiterated.
  • Concern was expressed regarding the additional work of having to chase and take action again debtors due to the change in the way benefits are paid.
  • A Member asked for the monetary value of the 18.5% pension contribution  and officers agreed to look into it and provide a response.


Members requested that a meeting be arranged as soon as possible to agree future plans regarding the Council Tax Scheme for 2014/15 and future Council Tax levels.