Issue - decisions

Council tax, NNDR and overpaid housing benefit write-offs

24/05/2017 - Council tax, NNDR and overpaid housing benefit write-offs

The Executive received a report seeking to write off debts over £10,000 in respect of outstanding business rates. It was noted that extensive attempts were made to recover debts prior to being written off and that, whilst being written off for accounting purposes, recovery would still be pursued.


Members asked whether the level of debt being written off had been increasing year on year and it was agreed that this would be investigated. Information was also requested on past trends in relation to write offs and it was agreed that this would be reported in future.


In relation to business rates, it was noted that whilst there was debt to be written off, there had been a positive amount of growth in business rates in Hinckley & Bosworth at a time when some other authorities had seen little growth.


It was moved by Councillor Hall, seconded by Councillor Surtees and


RESOLVED – the write-offs listed in the report be approved and amounts written off under delegated authority be noted.

07/02/2017 - Council tax, NNDR and overpaid housing benefit write-offs

Consideration was given to the proposed council tax, non-domestic rates and overpaid housing benefit write-offs. A member asked if the level of debt was worsening, and it was agreed that a trend analysis would be sought.


RESOLVED – the report be noted.