Issue - decisions

17/00776/FUL - 7 Hunters Walk, Witherley, Atherstone

12/12/2017 - 17/00776/FUL - 7 Hunters Walk, Witherley, Atherstone

Application for erection of a timber post and wire fence adjacent to Kennel Lane (resubmission of 17/00310/FUL).


It was noted that members had been minded to refuse this application at the meeting on 10 October 2017 and it was therefore before the committee tonight for a decision.


Councillor Wright left the meeting at 8.03pm.


Notwithstanding the officer’s recommendation that permission be granted, members felt that the fence was detrimental to visual amenity due to the materials used and that it would enclose an area that was currently open. It was moved by Councillor Cook and seconded by Councillor Crooks that the application be refused for this reason. Upon being put to the vote, the motion was CARRIED and it was


RESOLVED – permission be refused due to being detrimental to visual amenity.


Councillor Hall left the meeting at 8.10pm.