211 Off Street Parking Places Order - Variation of Charging Times and housing land PDF 201 KB
To seek approval to vary the off street parking places order for the purpose of varying the charging times on four pay & display car parks in Hinckley and to incorporate housing land.
The Scrutiny Commission considered this matter at its meeting on 3 October and the Hinckley Area Committee considered the variation of charging times on the pay & display car parks on 7 October. An extract from the minutes of both of these meetings is attached.
Additional documents:
Members received a report which sought to vary the off-street parking places order to provide 133 free spaces prior to 8.30am to support residents where there is limited on-street parking and 264 free parking spaces after 3pm to support Hinckley town centre and also to control parking on designated HBBC housing land.
The continuing installation of cashless machines was highlighted and it was noted that the majority had been installed already and there were 13 more being installed over the following weeks, leaving only three to install.
It was moved by Councillor Bray, seconded by Councillor Mullaney and
(i) The proposed variation to the Off Street Parking Places Order to change the charging times on the following four pay and display car parks be approved:
a. Trinity East car park
b. Castle car park (former Co-op site)
c. Lower Bond Street car park
d. Thorneycroft road car park
(ii) The proposed variation to the Off Street Parking Places (Hinckley & Bosworth) Order 2014 to incorporate the following housing land be approved:
a. Westfield Court residents’ car park, Westfield Road, Hinckley, LE10 0QR
b. Castle Court residents’ car park, Brookside, Burbage, LE10 2TL
c. Royal Court, Station Road, Hinckley, LE10 1BH
(iii) Authority be delegated to the Head of Street Scene Services and the Anti Social Behaviour and Tenancy Manager to publish a notice of proposals in relation to the Off Street Parking Places (Hinckley & Bosworth) Order 2014 as detailed in the report;
(iv) Authority be delegated to the Head of Street Scene Services and the Anti Social Behaviour and Tenancy Manager to make the order and publish the notice of making, subject to there being no objections received within the relevant statutory period;
(v) Where objections are received, a written report be produced by the Head of Street Scene Services and Anti Social Behaviour and Tenancy Manager detailing the objections and authority be delegated to the Director (Environment & Planning), the Director (Community Services) and the Executive members with responsibility for car parks and housing, in conjunction with the Legal Services Manager, to consider such objections and consider whether the variation to the order should be confirmed.
178 Off Street Parking Places Order - Variation of Charging Times PDF 188 KB
To consider the proposal to vary the Off-Street Parking Places Order.
Members were informed of the proposal to vary the Off-Street Parking Places Order to introduce free parking after 3pm in Trinity East, Castle and Lower Bond Street car parks and free parking before 8.30am in Lower Bond Street and Thorneycroft car parks. It was noted that the reduction in income as a result of the proposals would be £31,600 per annum which would be funded by the special expenses area earmarked reserve.
It was moved by Councillor Bray, seconded by Councillor Nichols and
(i) Approve the variation to the Off Street Parking Places Order;
(ii) Delegate authority to the Head of Street Scene Services to publish a notice of proposals in relation to the Off Street Parking Places Order;
(iii) Delegate authority to the Head of Street Scene Services, subject to there being no objections received within the relevant statutory period, to make the Order and publish the notice of making;
(iv) Require that, where objections are received, a written report be produced by the Head of Street Scene Services detailing the objections and that authority be delegated to the Director (Environment & Planning) and the Executive Member with responsibility for car parks, in conjunction with the Legal Services Manager, to consider such objections and consider whether the variation to the Order should be confirmed.
173 Off street parking places order - variation of charging times PDF 188 KB
Consideration was given to the proposal to vary the Off Street Parking Places Order to provide 133 spaces prior to 8.30am to support residents where there is limited on street parking and 264 free parking spaces after 3pm to support Hinckley town centre. It was noted that the costs would be funded from the special expenses area budget.
RESOLVED – the report be supported and RECOMMENDED to Council subject to comments of the Hinckley Area Committee.