Issue - meetings


Meeting: 14/07/2020 - Council (Item 409)

409 COVID 19 response: amendment to constitution pdf icon PDF 376 KB

To seek approval for an amendment to the scheme of delegation in respect of pavement licences.


Consideration was given to a report proposing an amendment to the council’s constitution following in response to the Business and Planning Bill, specifically in relation to the introduction of pavement licences. It was moved by Councillor Bray, seconded by Councillor Nichols and


RESOLVED – the scheme of delegation contained within part 2f of the council’s constitution be amended to delegate powers to the Director (Environment & Planning) in respect of pavement licences, when the Business and Planning Bill is enacted.

Meeting: 14/07/2020 - Council (Item 408)

408 Coronavirus - recovery strategy pdf icon PDF 327 KB

To consider the draft recovery strategy in response to the issues and challenges raised in the preceding report.

Additional documents:


This item was discussed with the above item (minute 407 refers).

Meeting: 14/07/2020 - Council (Item 407)

407 Coronavirus - the council's response pdf icon PDF 654 KB

To update members about the impact of the coronavirus on our communities, council services and finances and set out the council’s response to the challenges.

Additional documents:


Agenda items 3 and 4 (“coronavirus – the council’s response” and “coronavirus – recovery strategy”) were discussed as one item and a single vote taken.


The Leader, echoed by other group leaders, thanked officers for their excellent work in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. He also extended a tribute to all keyworkers, NHS staff and care workers and paid tribute to members for their important roles in the community during the crisis.


The Leader also highlighted two key initiatives and interventions that had been extremely well received by residents and local businesses – the residents support scheme and the business support grant programme. The Leader confirmed the COVID-19 recovery strategy would focus on keeping our residents safe, in jobs and supported, ensuring our local town centres remain vibrant and helping our businesses and tourism destinations survive and thrive.


A member requested that the important role of the communications team be highlighted particularly for their hard work in disseminating information to the public.


It was moved by Councillor Bray, seconded by Councillor Allen and




(i)            the positive steps taken in response to the coronavirus pandemic be endorsed;


(ii)           the recovery strategy be adopted.

Meeting: 02/07/2020 - Scrutiny Commission (Item 394)

394 Coronavirus - recovery strategy pdf icon PDF 326 KB

To consider the draft recovery strategy in response to the issues and challenges raised in the preceding report.

Additional documents:


This was discussed with the report ‘Coronavirus – the council’s response’ above – minute xxx refers.

Meeting: 02/07/2020 - Scrutiny Commission (Item 393)

393 Coronavirus - the council's response pdf icon PDF 491 KB

To provide an update on the impact of the coronavirus on our communities, council services and finances and to set out the council’s response to the challenges presented.

Additional documents:


Members received two reports in relation to coronavirus which were taken together. The first provided an update on the impact of coronavirus on our communities, council services and finances and set out the council’s response to the challenges presented. The second presented the council’s coronavirus recovery strategy. During discussion, the following points were raised:


·         The council’s positive response despite being under pressure

·         The huge amount of work undertaken to process grants for businesses – 95% of which had been paid

·         The predicted increase in council tax support payments as a result of the pandemic

·         Lack of information from external sources in regard to the local lockdown in Leicester

·         The worst case projected cost to the council at the end of the financial year of £3.4m

·         Local information on the infection rate would be helpful and would help the public to understand the risks and impact

·         Recovery was being undertaken in partnership with other agencies.


Some members expressed concern that the number of deaths in Stoke Golding and Fenny Drayton were very high. In response it was noted that these were being linked to the high rates in Nuneaton and that ward level data would be included in the next update. It was also agreed that the pillar 2 figures available for the borough would be checked and circulated to members.


Members particularly wanted to acknowledge the hard work of staff who, they felt, had provided an exemplary service in relation to the business rate grants, had provided a fantastic level of care for vulnerable people in the community via the residents’ support scheme and had worked to continue business as usual as much as possible.


It was moved by Councillor Lay, seconded by Councillor Webber-Jones and




(i)            The positive steps taken in response to the coronavirus pandemic be endorsed;


(ii)           The draft recovery strategy by RECOMMENDED to Council;


(iii)          Staff be commended for their hard work.