Issue - meetings

Presentation on Emergency Planning

Meeting: 05/01/2012 - Scrutiny Commission (Item 311)

Presentation on Emergency Planning

The Scrutiny Commission will receive a presentation regarding Emergency Planning.


Members received a presentation on the Local Resilience Forum, the role of the Emergency Planning Officer and the Emergency Plan. The role of Members in relation to emergency planning was also outlined: including identifying risks, being aware of the Emergency Planning Framework, presenting the public face of the authority and supporting communities following an emergency.


Following the presentation, discussion ensued during which the following points were raised:


  • Parish councils did not have a statutory responsibility with regard to emergency planning. Advice and guidance about reporting mechanisms for parish councils was requested.
  • The emergency plans were exercised regularly with both senior officers and also in multi-agency exercises.
  • There were communications plans in place and communication during an emergency would be managed by the borough council.
  • Specific plans were in place for high risk areas, for example calor gas. The County Council had its own specific plans and companies with high risk products also had their own emergency plans.