Issue - meetings

Medium Term Financial Strategy

Meeting: 04/02/2021 - Scrutiny Commission (Item 641)

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Members received the Medium Term Financial Strategy for 2021/22 to 2023/24, with current and anticipated pressures being highlighted. During discussion, reference was made to:


·         The net reserve figures

·         The phasing out of the New Homes Bonus

·         Collection fund adjustments

·         The savings put forward by Directors

·         The increase in fee charges linked to green waste and council tax

·         The impact of coronavirus restrictions on high streets and, as a result, business rates

·         The importance of not using earmarked reserves to pay for structural deficits

·         The crematorium project, which would be completed in the final quarter of 2021/22

·         The support provided to businesses during the coronavirus pandemic which would be covered by the government.


It was explained that a balance had to be achieved between making savings and minimising service reduction and compulsory redundancies and, in anticipation of the need to make savings, over the last year a number of permanent post vacancies had not been filled. It was also noted that entering into and leading on partnerships had produced many savings. A member queried the depth in which savings had been investigated, for example stationary supplies, and in response officers reported that efficiencies had been made over several years including supplies and services. The organisation had become lean and this was reflected in the council’s relative position nationally as one of the lowest council tax rated authorities.


In relation to the impact of coronavirus restrictions on retail, it was noted that figures showed market towns had fared better than cities and it was reported that interest continued to be expressed in vacant units in Hinckley.


A member asked for a calculation to be provided when the Medium Terms Financial Strategy was considered by Council to show what level the council tax would be if the green waste service was provided at no additional cost to users.


RESOLVED – the report be noted.