Issue - meetings

General fund budget

Meeting: 04/02/2021 - Scrutiny Commission (Item 641)

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The proposed general fund revenue budget was presented to the meeting.


In discussing grants for businesses during the coronavirus restrictions provided by the government and administered by the authority, it was expected that these would be completely covered by the government for 2020/21, however it was noted that these were shown within the corporate services budget for accounting purposes.


With regard to the leisure centre, it was noted that whilst restrictions were in place the leisure centre operator could claim support from the council under the contract but this would no longer be an obligation once restrictions were lifted. It was also noted that the impact of loss of legal fees for non-collection of council tax would return to normal.


In relation to costs of bed & breakfast, reference was made to the ‘everyone in’ initiative which was developed by the government during the first lockdown in order to accommodate anyone who was rough sleeping or at risk of rough sleeping. The challenge was finding suitable properties to move those people onto, particularly due to the majority of those accommodated being single persons and the low number of one-bedroomed properties available, and the complex needs of some of those people for which support would be provided. The anticipated further increase in homelessness once the full financial impact of Covid-19 affected residents was highlighted, along with the anticipated increase in evictions once the current suspension of evictions was lifted. It was noted that, whilst the council worked to support its tenants and eviction was a very last resort, the majority of landlords were in the private sector and the council had little input into their operations.


RESOLVED – the report be noted.