Issue - meetings

Infrastructure funding statement

Meeting: 22/07/2021 - Scrutiny Commission (Item 89)

89 Infrastructure funding statement 2019 - 2020 pdf icon PDF 884 KB

To inform members of the requirement of an Infrastructure Funding Statement.

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to the Infrastructure Funding Statement 2019-20. During discussion, the following matters were raised:


·         The likely impact of planning reforms

·         The need for all authorities that collect S106 contributions to produce a similar statement

·         The importance of considering benefits of S106 contributions to those communities that had had development in their area;

·         The need for a breakdown of CCG spending of developer contributions.




(i)            The report be noted;


(ii)          Infrastructure funding statement produced by other public bodies locally, including Leicestershire County Council, be brought to the Scrutiny Commission.