Issue - meetings

20/01009/FUL - Land North of Neovia Logistics Services (UK) Ltd, Peckleton, Desford

Meeting: 30/03/2021 - Planning Committee (Item 690)

690 20/01009/FUL - Land North of Neovia Logistics Services (UK) Ltd, Peckleton, Desford pdf icon PDF 531 KB

Application for demolition of existing buildings and structures, erection of buildings for B2/B8 use with ancillary offices and welfare floorspace, gatehouse, service yards, parking and circulation routes, together with revised access from Peckleton Lane, associated hardstanding, landscaping, diversion of bridleway R119 and ancillary works


Late items received after preparation of main agenda:




Since the preparation of the agenda additional comments have been received from the following:


Desford Parish Council make the following points:


            1)        Noise abatement: planning officers should be satisfied that there are sufficient acoustic fences and bunds plus tree planting in place to mitigate any nuisance

            2)        Light pollution: planning officers should be satisfied that the lighting is positioned to have a minimal effect on surrounding properties

            3)        The number of car parking spaces has increased from 500 (in the C2 application) to 865, which will mean more light traffic through both Desford & Peckleton

            4)        the bus stops are 900m away and not many people will walk this far

            5)        The new housing estate on Peckleton Lane plus that on Barns Way, will add to the number of vehicles in the centre of the village. The junction at Peckleton Lane/High Street and the central roundabout will be even more congested at peak times and the cumulative effect of all 3 developments should be taken into account

            6)        We are pleased to note that a financial contribution is proposed towards measures to improve the traffic flow at the junction of Dan’s Lane with the A47

            7)        The Parish Council is extremely concerned and dismayed to note that the proposed junction at the site entrance (proposed by the developer with the backing of the Parish Council and local residents) has been rejected by LCC Highways. The previous developer-proposed version would have made it difficult for lorries to turn left out of the site and thereby ensure that HGV traffic through the village of Desford would have been severely restricted. The Parish Council deplores this unnecessary change by LCC Highways which will only lead to more HGV traffic in the village.

            8)        Because of the retrograde decision of LCC Highways to reinstate a standard junction at the site entrance, it makes it even more important to ensure that traffic calming measures are introduced and we request that LCC Highways ask for measures such as chicanes, to be installed on Peckleton Lane; specifically the stretch between the site entrance and the brow of the hill approaching the built up area

            9)        We request that the footpath on Peckleton Lane southwards from the village is extended as far as the site entrance and is wide enough to accommodate cyclists, to encourage employees to cycle to work

         10)        We request that a new footpath is constructed from the new site entrance to connect with the footpath from the Caterpillar entrance, so that employees walking to the bus stop on the A47 can do so in safety

         11)        We request that the shift times of the new tenant companies be coordinated with Neovia  ...  view the full agenda text for item 690


Application for demolition of existing buildings and structures, erection of buildings for B2/B8 use with ancillary offices and welfare floorspace, gatehouse, service yards, parking and circulation routes, together with revised access from Peckleton Lane, associated hardstanding, landscaping, diversion of bridleway R119 and ancillary works.


Notwithstanding the officer’s recommendation that permission be granted, some members felt that the development would be detrimental to residential amenity due to the overbearing nature of unit 1 and they felt that the proposed development was therefore contrary to policy DM10. Councillor Sheppard-Bools, seconded by Councillor R Allen, proposed that permission be refused for these reasons. Upon being put to the vote, the motion was CARRIED and it was


RESOLVED – permission be refused for the following reason:


the positioning of unit 1 closer to the road than the existing buildings on site brings built development closer to residents’ properties on Peckleton Lane. The scale and height of unit 1 and its proximity to the road would create a dominant building that would have an adverse overbearing impact on surrounding residents which would be detrimental to their residential amenity and contrary to policy DM10 of the Site Allocations and Development Management Policies DPD.


Councillor Hollick abstained from voting as he had not been present for the whole of the debate.