Issue - meetings

21/00656/OUT - Stoke Fields Farm, Hinckley Road, Stoke Golding

Meeting: 19/10/2021 - Planning Committee (Item 190)

190 21/00656/OUT - Stoke Fields Farm, Hinckley Road, Stoke Golding pdf icon PDF 852 KB

Application for residential development up to 70 dwellings with associated access, landscaping, open space and drainage infrastructure (outline – access to be considered).


Late items received after publication of main agenda:




Consultee response from NHS West Leicestershire CCG received 11/10/21, summarised below:


·         The development could result in an increased population of 169 patients.

·         The likely impact on consulting room provision would be 4.4552 minutes of patient appointment time per week, and a likely impact on nurse treatment room provision of 1.188058667 minutes of patient appointment time per week.

·         The GP services at the small surgery at Pine Close Stoke Golding are provided by Castle Mead Medical Practice Hinckley, and this is the surgery that will pick up the care of the majority of the identified population.

·         The practice has seen a 10% rise in its registered population over the last 5 years, and a steady rise in those using the Stoke Golding surgery.

·         The practice would need to improve and increase clinical services at the Stoke Golding Surgery to meet the needs of the identified population.  The cost of an extension to the surgery to accommodate the additional patients is £35,441.87 and therefore this sum is requested to be secured in the S106 agreement.


Further comments have been received from Cllr Collett dated 13/10/21, raising the following points:


·         Major development that is contrary to the emerging Stoke Golding Neighbourhood Plan (SGNP)

·         The Examiner of the SGNP recommends that the emerging SGNP proceed to referendum

·         The Examiner did  not see the need to allocate further housing sites in the SGNP, to meet emerging evidence of housing need    

·         The Council agreed 11/10/21 that the emerging SGNP should proceed to referendum

·         Substantial weight should be given to the emerging SGNP

·         The emerging SGNP does not want this site developed or development outside of the settlement area

·         It is inconsistent to agree to the referendum and grant permission contrary to the emerging SGNP before the referendum

·         The SGNP provides for 158 homes 2020-39 at Stoke Golding and the Council will meet its Local Plan targets.

·         The application should be rejected


Policy update:


·         On 11/10/21 the Council issued a Regulation 18 Decision Statement on the emerging SGNP.

·         The Council agree to the recommendations, modifications and the reasons for them, in the Examiners Report on the emerging SGNP

·         The emerging SGNP can proceed to referendum. 


Public consultation responses:


Two additional neighbour letters have been received raising the following points:


·         Significant increase in village population

·         Facilities are already over stretched

·         Stoke Golding has already had development recently which don’t look good

·         Within the Planning Officer’s document for Stoke Fields Farm, there are very pointed remarks and conclusions that go against the entire intention of the Neighbourhood Plan process. If these remarks are not withdrawn, and the Stoke Fields Farm application is approved because of these incorrect remarks, then this will very quickly become a National concern for any community embarking on a Neighbourhood Plan.

·         The Stoke Golding Neighbourhood Plan Team provided a detailed interpretation of our  ...  view the full agenda text for item 190


Application for residential development of up to 70 dwellings with associated access, landscaping, open space and drainage infrastructure (outline – access to be considered).


An objector, the agent and a representative of Stoke Golding Parish Council spoke on this application.


It was moved by Councillor Boothby and seconded by Councillor R Allen that the application be deferred for further discussion with the applicant. Following further discussion, the motion was withdrawn.


It was moved by Councillor Bray and seconded by Councillor Walker that permission be granted. Upon being put to the vote, the motion was CARRIED and it was




(i)            Permission be granted subject to:


a.    The completion within three months of this resolution of a S106 agreement to secure the following obligations:


·         On-site open space minimum requirement of 1176sqm casual/informal play spaces and a 20 year maintenance cost (minimum of £12,700.80), a minimum of 2800sqm of natural green space along with a 20 year maintenance cost (minimum of £39,760.80);

·         Off-site equipped children’s play space contribution of £45,846.36 towards site SGT10 and 10 year maintenance of £22,125.60 and outdoor sports provision contribution of £24,326.40 towards site STG10 and 10 year maintenance contribution of £11,558.40

·         40% affordable housing (28 units) with a split of 75% of the units as social/affordable rented and 25% of the units as intermediate tenure

·         Affordable rented mix shall comprise: 6 x 1 bedroomed two person maisonettes or quarter houses, 8 x 2 bed four person houses and 7 x 3 bedroomed five person houses

·         The intermediate tenure should consist of a mixture of two and three bedroomed houses

·         Local connection requirement for the affordable housing and cascade mechanism

·         £3,467 civic amenity contribution towards Barwell household waste recycling centre

·         £2,120 towards provision of additional resources at Hinckley library, Lancaster Road, Hinckley

·         £417,039.41 towards education facilities (St Margaret’s Church of England Primary School, Stoke Golding £306,432.00, Redmoor Academy £65,962.44 and Hinckley Academy and John Cleveland Sixth Form Centre £44,645.37)

·         1 x travel pack per dwelling along with provision of application forms for 2 x 6 month bus passes (currently Arriva)

·         Replacement flags at the nearest two bus stops on Hinckley Road opposite Greenwood Road and outside number 87 (IDs 2571 and 2566)

·         £35,441.87 for NHS West Leicestershire CCG to improve and increase clinical services at the Stoke Golding surgery to meet the needs of the identified population


b.    Planning conditions contained in the officer’s report;


(ii)          The Planning Manager be granted powers to determine the final detail of planning conditions;


(iii)         The Planning Manager be granted delegated powers to determine the terms of the S106 agreement including trigger points and claw back periods.

Meeting: 21/09/2021 - Planning Committee (Item 162)

162 21/00656/OUT - Stoke Fields Farm, Hinckley Road, Stoke Golding pdf icon PDF 854 KB

Application for residential development up to 70 dwellings with associated access, landscaping, open space and drainage infrastructure (outline – access to be considered).


The item has been withdrawn from Committee by the Planning Manager due to an administrative error in the consultation process.  The application will therefore be reported to the October Planning Committee.


It was noted that this application had been deferred.