Issue - meetings

Building Control Service

Meeting: 30/11/2021 - Council (Item 262)

Building Control Service

Additional documents:


This itemwas exempt under paragraphs 1, 2 and 10.


Members received a report on the Building Control service. It was moved by Councillor Bill, seconded by Councillor Lynch and


RESOLVED – the recommendations in the report be approved.

Meeting: 18/11/2021 - Scrutiny Commission (Item 241)

Building Control Service


Members were advised of the outcome of work undertaken to consider a shared Building Control service which would formalise the partnership work already undertaken and would result in cost savings.


It was requested that reports on the authority’s shared services be brought to the Scrutiny Commission or Finance & Performance Scrutiny annually.


Members emphasised the need to have a contact for the service in case queries arose in their ward. It was agreed that this would be included.




(i)            The business case be endorsed and RECOMMENDED to Council;


(ii)          The increase in fees be RECOMMENDED to Council as part of the budget process;


(iii)         An annual report on the authority’s shared services be added to the work programme for the appropriate scrutiny body.