308 Infrastructure Funding Statement 2020-2021 PDF 395 KB
To inform members of the requirement for an infrastructure funding statement (IFS) and provide a copy of the IFS report for the financial year 2020/21.
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Consideration was given to the infrastructure funding statement for the financial year 2020/21.
The report was welcomed but it was felt that, whilst reporting was more transparent than previously, there were still some gaps. It was agreed that a link to Leicestershire County Council’s infrastructure funding statement would be sent out to members. It was requested that some analysis of the county council’s spend of S106 contributions be included in future reports.
Concern was expressed about the local community not benefitting from contributions from developments in their area. In response, members were assured that S106 money must be linked to the development itself and should mitigate the impact of a development in a particular area or present an improvement. Contributions requested were challenged by officers if they were not appropriate.
Discussion ensued on management companies and the lack of monitoring of them. It was noted that the council had no direct control over the establishment by developers of local management companies for new development. It may, however, become involved in enforcement matters arising from issues on sites but did not have the resources to monitor them proactively. It was explained that in some cases, the parish council hadn’t wanted to take on land from developers as it didn’t have the facilities to maintain it, but in other cases developers weren’t offering it to parish councils. It was suggested that the use of management companies be added to the work programme as a future agenda item.
6. Infrastructure Funding Statement 2020-2021 PDF 395 KB
To provide the Infrastructure Funding Statement for 2020/21.
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