Issue - meetings

Council Tax setting

Meeting: 23/02/2012 - Council (Item 403)

403 Council Tax setting pdf icon PDF 81 KB

Report to follow when information regarding the level of precept or a firm recommendation of level of precept to be set has been received from Leicestershire County Council, Leicestershire Police Authority and the Combined Fire Authority who are holding their budget meetings on 21 February, 22 February and 15 February respectively.


Following discussion on all budget-related reports as one and a recorded vote as recorded above, it was


RESOLVED – in accordance with sections 32 to 36 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 (as amended):


(i)         the Council’s budget requirement as set out in the General Fund Revenue Budget 2012/13, excluding Special Expenses and Parish Councils be £9,825,274;


(ii)        the Council’s budget requirement as set out in the General Fund Revenue Budget 2012/13, including Special Expenses, be £10,435,734;


(iii)       the Council’s total net budget requirement including Special Expenses and Parish Councils be £11,940,670;


(iv)       the contribution from Revenue Support Grant and Non Domestic Rates be £5,372,446;


(v)        a surplus of £20,000 on the Collection Fund be transferred to an earmarked reserve in accordance with Council policy in 2012/13;


(vi)       the Council Tax for Borough wide services, excluding Special Expenses and Parish Council precepts, for Band D be £95.96;


(vii)      the Council Tax for Borough wide services and an average of Special Expenses services for Band D be £112.17;


(viii)     the basic amount of Council Tax, being the tax relating to Borough wide services and an average of Special Expenses and Parish Council services for Band D be £152.12;


(ix)       the total Council Tax, including amounts for the County Council, Police Authority and Fire Authority and for each area and valuation band be approved as contained within appendix A to the report;


(x)        the calculation of the estimated surplus on the Collection Fund be delegated to the Deputy Chief Executive (Corporate Direction) and the surplus be transferred to the Pension Reserve in accordance with the Council’s policy.