301 Levelling Up fund re the National Science & Conservation Centre at Twycross Zoo PDF 299 KB
To report on the successful bid to create a new national science and conservation centre at Twycross Zoo, seek delegated authority to sign off the memorandum of understanding and establish a budget to administer the funding.
Consideration was given to a report on the successful bid for £19.9m investment to create a new National Science and Conservation Centre at Twycross Zoo. Those involved were thanked for their work and support.
It was moved by Councillor Bray, seconded by Councillor Lynch and
(i) Council notes and welcomes the successful bid by the Council in partnership with Twycross Zoo for £19.9m to deliver a new National Science and Conservation Centre at Twycross Zoo;
(ii) Council delegates authority to the Chief Executive and S151 Officer in consultation with the Leader and the Executive member for Finance, to sign off the Memorandum of Understanding and contract & programme delivery arrangements in respect of the Levelling Up Bid of £19.9m;
(iii) Council approves the establishment of a budget of £19.9m for the Levelling Up Project, which will be profiled to be spent over the next three years.