Issue - meetings

Economic Regeneration Strategy

Meeting: 28/07/2022 - Scrutiny Commission (Item 92)

92 Economic Regeneration Strategy 2021 - 2025 pdf icon PDF 414 KB

To provide an update on work to fulfil the aims of the Economic Regeneration Strategy 2021-2025.


The Scrutiny Commission received an update on the work undertaken over the previous year to fulfil the aims of the Economic Regeneration Strategy 2021 to 2025. It was agreed that the action plan and monitoring document would be circulated to members.


In response to a member’s question, it was noted that there may be opportunities within the UK shared prosperity fund to bring forward commercial units.


A member commented that some restaurants within the Crescent development hadn’t looked after the plants outside their units and there was no greenery in the way of trees or hanging baskets. Members were reminded that the site was in private ownership and it was agreed that the conditions on the planning consent would be looked into and comments would be passed back to the owner.


The report was noted.