151 21/01501/FUL - Houghton House, Sheepy Road, Sibson PDF 584 KB
Application for demolition of existing buildings, refurbishment of a Grade II listed residential property, erection of four dwellings and associated external landscape works.
Late items received after preparation of the main agenda (this relates to agenda items 12 and 13):
1.1. The initial report was sent out with an older version of the red line which did not include Houghton House or the grass verges either site of the access. The plan above is the correct red line showing all the land to which the application relates.
1.2. At paragraph 9.55 the report incorrectly refers to five additional dwellings – it should be four.
1.3. Conditions 10, 11 and 12 are duplicates of conditions 7, 8 and 9.
1.4. The Sheepy Parish Council now objects to the application. Sheepy Parish Council has reviewed the above applications (21/01501/FUL and 21/1502/LBC) and has considered the proposals in relation to the Sheepy Parish Neighbourhood Plan (Made May 2022) and its legally binding policies and design guide. It has also considered other evidence that has been brought to its attention. The Parish Council is keen to see the refurbishment of Houghton House, the re-development of the outbuildings and landscaping of a design and style that is of a scale and character that is appropriate the rural village setting and complies fully with the policies of both the Sheepy Parish Neighbourhood Plan (made May 2022) and the Sibson Village Conservation Area Management Plan. However, the Parish Council believes the current proposals for the site do not meet these objectives and wishes to object to the planning application. The concerns of the Parish Council are explained below:
· The Parish Council is disappointed that the advice of HBBC Planning Committee following its consideration of a previous version of the proposed development has not been heeded. The revised plans (August 2022) seek to accommodate a required increase in parking space provision without a reduction in the number of new dwellings proposed. This has the effect of both increasing the footprint of the development (buildings) and hard standing (parking area/driveway). As a consequence, the garden and green landscaping areas are reduced. The Parish Council consider the development as now proposed to be over-development and therefore not aligned with Sheepy Neighbourhood Plan Policy S8 - Design. The Parish Council considers the revised proposals no longer reflect a positive response to the character of the area as they do not represent development of an appropriate scale, form, and character for the area (Policy S8(D)). Further the necessary increase in the size of the properties (to accommodate the larger parking spaces) and their shift backwards will impact the amenity (privacy level) of property to the rear and the residential amenity of Unit/Plot 1. In the latter case the revised design would lead to an oppressive and over-bearing environment as a result of the proximity of other buildings, adjacent driveways and fencing.
Officer comment: The ground floor footprint of the dwellings has not increased but in order to provide greater width ... view the full agenda text for item 151
Application for demolition of existing outbuildings, refurbishment of Grade II listed residential property, erection of four dwellings and associated landscape works.
An objector spoke on this application.
Members expressed concern about the scale, design and layout of the proposal as plot 4 was only 14.3m from the front of plots 2 and 3 and a number of the proposed gardens were undersized. It was moved by Councillor R Allen and seconded by Councillor J Crooks that permission be refused due to the proposal constituting overdevelopment and a contrived form of development and that the level of additional traffic would be detrimental to the conservation area contrary to policy DM10 of the site allocations and development management policies DPD. Upon being put to the vote, the motion was CARRIED and it was
RESOLVED – permission be refused for the following reasons:
(i) The proposal constituted overdevelopment and a contrived form of development due to its scale, design and layout and was therefore contrary to policy DM10 of the site allocations and development management policies DPD;
(ii) The level of additional traffic would be detrimental to the conservation area contrary to policy DM10 of the site allocations and development management policies DPD.
52 21/01501/FUL - Houghton House, Sheepy Road, Sibson PDF 462 KB
Application for demolition of existing outbuildings, refurbishment of a Grade II listed residential property, erection of four dwellings and associated external landscape works.
Late items received after preparation of main agenda:
Comments received from Cllr Collett from local residents summarised below:
1) A terrace of three houses in the back garden of Houghton House is not acceptable in fill in. Sibson which is a settlement that has been designated a rural hamlet .
2) The new houses are proposed on a site which is within the village conservation area
3) Because of the excessive number of houses proposed car parking can only be provided by some double length spaces below first floor bedrooms. The inadequacy of parking with no spaces for visitors and deliveries will result in on street parking contrary to the intentions of the Sibson Conservation Area Management Plan.
4) On street parking is only possible by use and obstruction of the pavement. The village has two totally blind and two partially blind residents who would be severely inconvenienced and put in danger.
5) The houses in the village below Houghton House have suffered several damaging flooding events and the residents live in fear of heavy rain . The flooding is caused by surface water run off and an increase in non permeable surfaces of the scale proposed by this application will put them in even great danger.
6) Whist Houghton House, a heritage building, is in urgent need of restoration there is no mention in the application of any of the four new build houses being enabling development.
· Para 10.1 (Conclusion) of the report should refer to Sibson (currently refers to Burbage).
Application for demolition of existing outbuildings, refurbishment of a grade II listed residential property, erection of four dwellings and associated external landscape works.
An objector and the ward councillor spoke on this application.
Members expressed concern in relation to the five substandard parking spaces which formed part of the application. It was moved by Councillor J Crooks and seconded by Councillor Hollick that the application be deferred to a future meeting to allow for discussions with the applicant around reducing the proposal to three dwellings to enable sufficient standard parking provision. Upon being put to the vote, the motion was CARRIED and it was unanimously
RESOLVED – the application be deferred for further discussion with the applicant.