Issue - meetings

Health and wellbeing

Meeting: 10/11/2022 - Scrutiny Commission (Item 200)

200 Health and wellbeing pdf icon PDF 660 KB

There will be presentations on various aspects under the theme of health and wellbeing.

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Members received a presentation from representatives of the respective agencies on the Leicestershire Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy, Leicestershire Public Health Strategy, proposed healthcare investment and dentistry services in Hinckley and Bosworth. During discussion, reference was made to the following:


·         The lasting impact of covid on health services

·         The new capital funded proposal for Hinckley District Hospital site which was currently awaiting decision by NHS England

·         The £14.7m capital for a new community diagnostic centre in Hinckley which had been approved

·         Increasing construction costs and inflation which were being factored into funding applications

·         Plans to co-locate some NHS services at Hinckley Hub

·         Issues as a result of dental funding not being ring fenced

·         Loss of investment on specialist orthodontic dental services from NHS commissioned dental services for Leicestershire

·         Staffing shortages in dentistry

·         Capacity for dental treatment in the borough limited to only 50% of the local population.


Officers were commended on their work in partnership with health agencies in delivering the district offer to health. It was noted that there was no requirement to do this, but it was important for residents.


Councillor Sheppard-Bools left the meeting at 7.30pm.

Meeting: 15/09/2022 - Scrutiny Commission (Item 6.)

Health and wellbeing

There will be presentations on various aspects under the theme of health and wellbeing.