147 21/01514/FUL - Land at rear of 7 Hunt Lane, Witherley PDF 341 KB
Application for single storey detached dwelling.
Late items received after preparation of main agenda:
Representation received raising the following points:
· Boundary line in wrong place
· Boundary fence previously moved to accommodate a conifer tree, tree now removed and so fence should be moved to previous position
· Covenant on land preventing building
Officer comment:
The above points raised are considered to be civil matters. A covenant on the land, if this exists, does not prevent planning permission being granted. With regards to the boundary, the Council takes the submitted red line boundary on the location plan to be correct, with a signed certificate provided as part of the application form. Should the boundary prove to be incorrect, the applicant cannot rely on any permission and a new application should be submitted to regularise the boundary line.
Application for single storey detached dwelling.
An objector spoke on this application.
Members wished to explore whether the property could be moved back and it was moved by Councillor Bray and seconded by Councillor W Crooks that approval of the application be delegated to the Planning Manager following discussion with the applicant in relation to moving the proposed dwelling back. Upon being put to the vote, the motion was CARRIED and it was
RESOLVED – The Planning Manager be granted delegated authority to grant permission subject to the conditions contained in the officer’s report following discussion with the applicant on setting the proposed dwelling back.