Issue - meetings

22/00639/FUL - 12 Sketchley Lane, Ratcliffe Culey

Meeting: 27/09/2022 - Planning Committee (Item 148)

148 22/00639/FUL - 12 Sketchley Lane, Ratcliffe Culey pdf icon PDF 459 KB

Application for erection of two dwellings with associated parking, landscaping and amenity space.


Late items received after preparation of main agenda:




Amendments to address report discrepancies


Para 8.4 to read:


The Emerging Local Plan for 2020-39 has been out for consultation at Regulation 19 draft stage (February to March 2022). The LDS anticipates that the Plan will be submitted in spring/summer 2022, and an estimated date for examination of late summer/autumn 2022. This will increase the weight to be afforded to the new Local Plan. The LDS will be updated following the decision taken at Full Council on 6th September to enable further work on the Local Plan evidence base to be undertaken, with submission of the Local Plan later in 2023.


Para 8.15 to read:


The Good Design Guide SPD outlines that development will need to provide high quality internal amenity space as this is critical to the quality of life of residents.  This proposal is for two dwellings on site, including demolition of the existing dwelling. Both dwellings proposed are mirror images of each other, with four bedrooms proposed and separate garages together with three off road parking spaces to serve each dwelling.


Para 8.18 to read:


As such this application is considered to be unacceptable in amenity terms and not in compliance with Policy DM10 a and b of the SADMP, The Good Design Guide SPD and the requirements of the NPPF with respect to residential amenity.


Para 8.33 to read:


The proposal is considered to be acceptable when taking into account all of the material considerations set out above.  There are no adverse impacts associated with this development that would outweigh the benefits identified.  Therefore this application is recommended for approval subject to the signing of Section 106 legal agreement and conditions set out below.


Proposed Planning Conditions:


1.    The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.


Reason: To comply with the requirements of Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, as amended by the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.


2.    The development hereby permitted shall not be carried out otherwise than in complete accordance with the submitted application details, as follows:

                      i.        Site Location Plan - Drg No. 220/PL01 Rev A (Received 29/06/2022)

                    ii.        Site Plan and Block Plan (Received 08/07/2022)

                   iii.        Floor Plans and Elevations (Received 08/07/2022)

                   iv.        Bat Report (Received 29/06/2022)

                    v.        Planning Statement (Received 29/06/2022)


Where the above plans/reports include mitigation measures, these will be delivered in accordance with the approved details.


Reason: To ensure a satisfactory form of development in accordance with Policies DM1 and DM10 of the adopted Site Allocations and Development Management Policies Development Plan Document (2016).


3.    No development shall be occupied until a scheme that makes provision for waste and recycling storage and collection across the site has been submitted in writing to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The details should address accessibility to storage  ...  view the full agenda text for item 148


Application for erection of two dwellings with associated parking, landscaping and amenity space.


An objector, the agent and the ward councillor spoke on this application.


Concern was expressed in relation to the presence of bats, the materials to be used for the development and pedestrian safety. It was moved by Councillor Bray and seconded by Councillor R Allen that permission be granted with additional conditions requiring details of bat boxes to be submitted, that the construction materials be agreed with the Planning Manager in consultation with the ward councillor before commencement and that condition 4 be amended to include a warning sign for pedestrians using the footpath. Upon being put to the vote, the motion was CARRIED and it was


RESOLVED – permission be granted subject to the conditions contained in the officer’s report and late items and additional or amended conditions as follows:


(i)            To require the detail of bat boxes to be submitted;


(ii)          To require construction materials to be agreed by the Planning Manager in consultation with the ward councillor;


(iii)         To amend condition 4 to include pedestrian signage.