Issue - meetings

22/00473/FUL - The Old Forge, 13 - 15 Park Street, Market Bosworth

Meeting: 20/12/2022 - Planning Committee (Item 242)

242 22/00473/FUL - The Old Forge, 13 - 15 Park Street, Market Bosworth pdf icon PDF 564 KB

Application for proposed extension and alteration to existing three storey dwelling (use class C3) and existing working forge (use class B2) to form a five bedroom hotel with parking and associated facilities.


Late items received after publication of agenda:




1.1.    Paragraph 8.41 of the report states that, "There is public parking located close by as well as on-street parking," near the site. Councillor Cook has stated that there is no public parking or on-street parking nearby and reiterated concerns regarding highway safety and off-street parking provision. However, it is noted that there is some limited on-street parking along Park Street and Rectory Lane, and the Rectory Lane Car Park is within a five-minute walk of the application site.


1.2.    In relation to Paragraph 6.2, the Agent has confirmed that there is no proposed or existing fixed plant internally or externally within the scheme. Paragraph 8.31 within the report refers to a sound limit for the fixed plant. Following discussion with the Council's Pollution Officer, it was agreed that as there is no fixed plant within the development, the proposal is not considered to have a significant adverse impact to neighbouring residential amenity in regard to noise pollution, as stated in Paragraph 8.32. Therefore, it was agreed that Condition 6 should be removed.


1.3    No further late items have been received.


Application for extension and alteration to existing three storey dwelling (use class C3) and existing working forge (use class B2) to form a five-bedroom hotel with parking and associated facilities.


An objector, the agent, a representative of the parish council and the ward councillor spoke on this application.


It was moved by Councillor W Crooks, seconded by Councillor Bray and




(i)            permission be granted subject to the conditions contained in the officer’s report;


(ii)          Authority be delegated to the Planning Manager to determine the final detail of planning conditions.