243 22/00974/LBC - The Old Forge, 13 - 15 Park Street, Market Bosworth PDF 457 KB
Application for proposed extension and alteration to existing three storey dwelling (use class C3) and existing working forge (use class B2) to form a five bedroom hotel with parking and associated facilities.
Late items received after publication of agenda:
1.1. Paragraph 6.5 should specify that the LCC's Archaeology Unit have requested a planning condition for a Level 3 Historic Building Recording prior to commencement and archaeological attendance on the groundworks for the development of the new toilet facility, enclosed garden and covered walkway. These requests are secured within Condition 5 (Written Scheme of Investigation) of the planning application.
1.2 No further late items have been received.
Application for extension and alteration to existing three storey dwelling (use class C3) and existing working forge (use class B2) to form a five-bedroom hotel with parking and associated facilities.
It was noted that an additional condition was required to secure retention of the bellows.
An objector, the agent, a representative of the parish council and the ward councillor spoke on this application.
It was moved by Councillor Lynch, seconded by Councillor Bray and unanimously
RESOLVED – listed building consent be granted subject to the conditions contained in the officer’s report and an additional condition to secure retention of the bellows.