Issue - meetings

Leicestershire Resources and Waste Strategy

Meeting: 22/02/2023 - Council (Item 301)

301 Leicestershire Resources and Waste Strategy pdf icon PDF 417 KB

To present the strategy for adoption.

Additional documents:


Council considered adoption of the Leicestershire Resources and Waste Strategy 2022. During discussion, concern was expressed regarding the amount of packaging used by retailers.


It was moved by Councillor W Crooks, seconded by Councillor Bill and




(i)            The Leicestershire Resources and Waste Strategy be adopted;


(ii)          The continuation of the Leicestershire Waste Partnership be endorsed but it be requested that it be developed and enhanced to ensure appropriate political, strategic and organisational engagement;


(iii)         The Leicestershire Waste Partnership be requested to explore collaborative opportunities which have the potential to deliver environmental improvements whilst helping to reduce costs across the waste system, such that cost shunting is avoided and mutual benefits are shared across all partners;


(iv)         Authority be delegated to the Director (Corporate & Street Scene Services) in consultation with the Executive member for Street Scene Services to make any further changes to the strategy emerging from discussions with partners.

Meeting: 26/01/2023 - Scrutiny Commission (Item 262)

262 Leicestershire resources and waste strategy 2022-2050 pdf icon PDF 417 KB

Additional documents:


The Leicestershire resources and waste strategy 2022 – 2050 was presented to members. It was noted that a key part of the strategy was the introduction of food waste collection. Concern was expressed that the big increase in recycling required would be challenging and would require a behavioural change. It was requested that, given the additional bins that would be required, consideration be given to homes without suitable bin storage, for example terraced properties. It was, however, noted that the food waste bins would be small.


In relation to the change in collection methods for furniture containing flame retardant chemicals, it was noted that the bulky waste collections were still good value for money so the change would hopefully not lead to an increase in fly tipping. Reuse charities would need to decide whether they would collect, repair and resell such furniture.


Officers were thanked for their hard work.


RESOLVED – the report be endorsed.