Issue - meetings

22/01203/FUL - 2A Clarendon Road, Hinckley

Meeting: 06/06/2023 - Planning Committee (Item 16)

16 22/01203/FUL - 2A Clarendon Road, Hinckley pdf icon PDF 541 KB

Application for loft conversion and replacement roof to increase HMO capacity from four to six (use class C4).


Late items received after preparation of main agenda:




On 26 May 2023, a member of the public raised the following concerns:


·         If the proposed off-street parking spaces have been removed from the current planning application for highway safety reasons, is the parking provision along Clarendon Road also dangerous?


It is noted by the Planning Officer that, as the parking arrangements along Clarendon Road are existing, this is not considered to be a material concern for the determination of the current planning application. The Local Highway Authority have provided advice on the current application, which states that the provision of off-street parking at 2A Clarendon Road, Hinckley is likely to exacerbate the current highway issues along Clarendon Road. Any existing highways issues along Clarendon Road are matters that should be resolved separately via Leicestershire County Council.


·         The development is likely to worsen the existing wind tunnel effect along the private road between 2A and 2 Clarendon Road.


It is noted by the Planning Officer that, given the height of the existing dwelling, the increased height of 2A Clarendon Road by 0.8m is unlikely to result in a significant adverse impact on the existing wind tunnel situation.


·         Concerns over the exact height of the raised roof.


The Planning Officer notes that the development increases the existing roof height by 0.8m, as stated within Paragraph 2.2 of the Officer’s Report. The development must be built in accordance with the approved plans, and this secured via Planning Condition 02. If the Applicant does not build the property in accordance with the approved plans, then this will become a matter for the Planning Enforcement Department.


·         The large rear dormer may have a significant adverse impact on the residential amenity, of 2 Clarendon Road such as loss of light on the main side windows of the property, which has been in place since 1907.


The Agent for this application has highlighted that the first-floor side window on 2 Clarendon has been constructed without planning permission, and in contrary to the limitations of Permitted Development Rights after 2019. This concern has been confirmed via historic Street View images. Following further investigation, the Planning Officer also notes that the windows on the ground floor have only been implemented without planning permission since 2019. Given the age of the property, these new windows are not considered to be the principal windows to any habitable room. A site visit was undertaken to assess the impact of the application on the property, and this impact is detailed within Paragraphs 8.12 and 8.12 of the Officer’s Report.


The same member of the public has also raised concerns regarding the issues within the application site, which include:

·                Anti-social behaviour concerns such as drug dealing.

·                Children’s safeguarding concerns.

·                Existing tenants of 2A Clarendon Road are parking on private property not belonging to the dwelling.

·                The existing tenants leave their bins on public pathway, which leads  ...  view the full agenda text for item 16


Application for loft conversion and replacement roof to increase HMO capacity from four to six (use class C4).


An objector spoke on this application.


Notwithstanding the officer’s recommendation that permission be granted, some members felt that the overlooking as a result of the loft conversion and the noise and disturbance from the increased capacity would have a detrimental impact on neighbouring amenity and that the lack of parking was a concern. It was moved by Councillor Bray, seconded by Councillor Mullaney and


RESOLVED – permission be refused due to lack of parking and impact on neighbouring amenity.