20 22/00527/OUT - Land south of 295 Main Street, Stanton Under Bardon PDF 695 KB
Outline application for proposed development of up to 50 dwellings (all matters reserved, except access).
Late items received after preparation of main agenda:
One further letter of objection has been received from Cllr Harris since the publication of the reports as summarised as below;
“Due to being a newly elected Councillor for HBBC, an application has recently been brought to my attention. Application 22/00527/OUT. I would request, if possible, my concerns be raised in the planning committee meeting due to take place this evening, as a late item.My concerns are those of Stanton under Bardon’s Parish council’s back in 2022.”
Stanton under Bardon Parish Council objected to the application in 2022 for the following reasons:
· The application makes no reference to the Public Right of Way (R19), which crosses the site.
· Highway safety concerns: Additional traffic from 50 houses is, “Unsustainable.”
· Both accesses to the site are located either near to a junction or a bend. The Parish Council considered that access and egress from the site by large vehicles, such as refuse lorries, will require the full width of the carriageway to enable them sufficient turning, which is likely to be a hazard.
· Main Street in Stanton under Bardon has several pinch points where parking further restricts road width.
· Increasing pressure on existing infrastructure Stanton under Bardon Primary School is not able to accommodate additional pupils. Nearby villages such as Markfield and Thornton are also under pressure due to the increased number of properties in the area.
· The Severn Trent Water sewage facility on Thornton Lane is already under severe pressure, and is known to overflow, which causes effluent to enter the water course and the reservoir system. There have been 147 instances of overflow into the brooks in the last 12 months.
· Significant adverse effect on the intrinsic value, beauty, open character, and landscape character of the countryside, contrary to Policy DM4 and Policy DM9 of the SADMP.
· The development is outside of the settlement boundary. The development exacerbates ribbon development. Residential development does not safeguard the Borough’s natural and semi-natural open spaces. The site is not contiguous with the current settlement boundary and is considered to be a standalone site.
· Unsustainable location for development.
· Limited and poor bus services through Stanton under Bardon. The only facilities available to residents are two churches, the village hall, and one public open house. The community shop closed in March 2020.”
On 25 May 2023, Stanton under Bardon Parish Council have again objected to the application for the following reasons:
· The site is outside of the Settlement Boundary as determined in the Site Allocations and Development Management Policies DPD. The site does not appear on the plan shown in within this document. The site is not contiguous with the current boundary of the village and, thus, would be a standalone site.
· The development of the site would be contrary to Policy DM4 of HBBC's SADMP. This policy aims to safeguard the countryside with certain exceptions. The site would have ... view the full agenda text for item 20
Application for development of up to 50 dwellings (all matters reserved, except access)
The agent spoke on this application.
It was moved by Councillor Bray and seconded by Councillor R Allen that a condition be added to ensure provision of broadband. Upon being put to the vote, the motion was CARRIED and it was
(i) Permission be granted subject to:
a. the conditions outlined in the officer’s report;
b. an additional condition requiring broadband provision;
c. the entering into of a S106 agreement.
(ii) The Head of Planning be granted powers to determine the final detail of planning conditions.