Issue - meetings

20/00887/FUL - The Islamic Foundation, Markfield Conference Centre, Ratby Lane, Markfield

Meeting: 27/06/2023 - Planning Committee (Item 28)

28 20/00887/FUL - The Islamic Foundation, Markfield Conference Centre, Ratby Lane, Markfield pdf icon PDF 735 KB

Application for demolition of existing conference centre and a residential building and erection of a new conference centre, including indoor sports facility and new residential building with associated landscaping.


Late items received after preparation of agenda:




Residents’ concerns regarding the use of the field (paragraphs 5.2, 5.3, 8.22)


By way of an update, our client has advised us that they recently met with local residents and a local councillor to discuss the use of the field. Our client has informed us that during this meeting they agreed to some changes in response to local residents’ concerns. We understand that these changes include the location and management of the football area. Furthermore, we understand that our client explained to local residents that the proposed development will provide opportunities to participate in sports activities inside the conference centre.


Works to the access (paragraph 8.27)


Highway Access Solutions’ drawings show works taking place to both the north-eastern and south-western side of the access on Ratby Lane (as agreed with the local highway authority).




Condition 2 (approved drawings)


Minor changes to wording. Existing plans removed. Drainage drawings removed.


Condition 3 (external materials samples)


Wording changed to refer to “buildings” not “dwellings”.


Condition 5 (approved access arrangements)


Highway Access Solutions Drawing No.: HAS/20-071/04B added to approved highway drawings.


Condition 7 (removal of permitted development rights)


Change to wording over rather than within 11 metres from the highway boundary and must be hung to open away from the highway.


Condition 14 (scheme for ventilation of the kitchen)


Amended to be ‘shall be submitted’, rather than ‘has been submitted’.


Condition 17 (trees)


Added NPPF paragraph number to condition reason.


Condition 18 (Ecological Enhancement Measures)


Wording changed to be in accordance with Ecological Appraisal.


Condition 19 (waste and recycling storage and collection)


Wording changed - 'The details should address accessibility to storage facilities and adequate collection point space.'


No further objections have been received.


Application for demolition of existing conference centre and a residential building and erection of a new conference centre, including indoor sports facility and new residential building with associated landscaping.


An objector and the agent spoke on this application.


Whilst in support of the application, it was suggested that the applicant be requested to set up a liaison group with residents, the ward councillors and the parish council to address ongoing noise concerns. It was also requested that a note to applicant be added to request consideration of an acoustic fence and that condition be reviewed to mention planting to the western boundary of the site. It was moved by Councillor Bray, seconded by Councillor Allen and


RESOLVED – permission be granted subject to:


(i)            The completion of a S106 agreement to secure a contribution of £209,182 towards the Coalville Transport Strategy to enable required highway works at the A50 / Field Head junction;


(ii)          The conditions contained in the officer’s report and late items.