Issue - meetings

23/00455/FUL - Land south-east of Dawsons Lane, Barwell

Meeting: 07/11/2023 - Planning Committee (Item 170)

170 23/00455/FUL - Land south-east of Dawsons Lane, Barwell pdf icon PDF 957 KB

Application for change of use of land to provide a dog day care facility and associated fence.


Late items received after publication of main agenda:




1.1.       A rebuttal statement has been received since the publication of the report.


Rebuttal Statement – Hinckley Pets in Home


The purpose of this statement is to bring to the members attention the preapplication work that was carried out pre and post application. It also seeks to address areas where we consider the determining officer has not provided the members with demonstrable and significant evidence to support their findings and recommendation with the aim to ask the members to support our application.


Pre & Post Application


We held a meeting in December 2022, with the Chief Executive, Leader of the Council, Head of Planning and Regeneration Manager in December 2022. This meeting all parties was positive & supportive resulting in the following points:


1.         Malcolm Evans offered us land near Montgomery Road, Earl Shilton for our use but this would be subject to planning permission and was ear marked for ES SUE. It was deemed this was not appropriate due to its locality to housing, access, and cost as we own Dawsons Lane

2.         We were recommended we wait to submit another application until after the local elections as it was felt our application could become contentious with the upcoming elections.

3.         Mr Brown would work with our planning consultant to address the RFR in the New Year.

4.         Meet with Poors Platt and discuss the plans.

5.         Speak with local resident to offer discuss our proposals and offer an apology for any previous confusion or antagonism..

6.         Overall the meeting was supportive of our proposal.


Following on from the December meeting we me with Chris Brown in February 2023. This meeting was productive, constructive with these outcomes:


1.         Mr Brown recommended moving the proposed day care structure to the top of the site to reduce the impact on the land and the wider landscape.

2.         Mr Brown recommended the scale of the building be reduced, to reduce its visual impact on the character of the area.

3.         We would draw up options for Mr Brown to review regarding the site location to alleviate his concerns.

4.         The RFR number 3 was erroneous as the incorrect interpretation of the policy had been used.


Prior to submitting the new application Mr Johnson spoke with Mr Brown who stated ‘the changes appease our concerns’

August 2023 we held a site visit with David Spring and Emma Baumber. The proposed location and size of the day care building and associated fencing was shown and discussed in detail with the officers.


The main points and outcomes were:


1.         The proposed day care site was to be shown to both in layout and scale.

2.         The proposed planting scheme around the land and around the day care site and how active planting with the Woodland Trust would obscure the site and building.

3.         The brick and tile building in the  ...  view the full agenda text for item 170


Application for change of use of land to provide a dog day care facility and associated fence.


Two objectors, the applicant and the agent spoke on this application.


It was moved by Councillor R Allen, seconded by Councillor Smith and


RESOLVED – refused for the reasons contained in the officer’s report.

Meeting: 19/09/2023 - Planning Committee (Item 135)

135 23/00455/FUL - Land south-east of Dawsons Lane, Barwell pdf icon PDF 936 KB

Application for change of use of land to provide a dog day care facility and associated fence.


This item has been withdrawn from the agenda.


This application had been withdrawn from the agenda for the meeting.