Issue - meetings

23/00712/REM - Land off Wood Lane, Higham on the Hill

Meeting: 07/11/2023 - Planning Committee (Item 171)

171 23/00712/REM - Land off Wood Lane, Higham on the Hill pdf icon PDF 496 KB

Application for approval of reserved matters (appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) of outline planning permission 21/01147/OUT (residential development of up to 61 dwellings including a shop, open space, new access and associated works).


Late items received after preparation of main agenda:




1.1.            Waste and road adoption, the agent has confirmed that this is to be dealt with via s.38 or s.73 – HBBC Waste have not objected so we have left it with Owl and Cerda to a find a solution. Likewise with Highways, the plan is to adopt at minimum the main access spine road but they are yet to confirm full details. LCC Highways have no objection to this.




1.1.       Amendment to paragraph 6.1 of the report. The text highlighted in bold is the addition;


“Officer comment: The principle of development outside the settlement boundary has been established via the outline permission. Therefore members are being asked to consider the appearance, landscaping, layout and scale of the development pursuant to national and local policies.  At the outline stage the Local Highway Authority and National Highways have assessed the impact of the development upon the Highway Network and have no objections subject to conditions/ S106 provisions. Therefore highways considerations have been considered in full when the outline permission was granted subject to the comments in 6.2 in respect of the internal road network.”


1.2.       Addition to paragraph 8.16 of the report:


“The side elevation of 2a Main Street borders the eastern boundary of the site. There are no principal windows facing the site, however there is a balcony projecting from the west side elevation. The separation distance between the west side elevation of 2a Main Street and the east side elevation of Plot 1 is 12.87m which is acceptable in accordance to the adopted Good Design Guide. The side (east) elevation features a bathroom window at first floor level which is to be obscurely glazed. Plot 1 also features a single storey double garage between its east side elevation and the boundary with 2a Main Street. The single storey and fully hipped roof design, along with the siting which is set back from the direct outlook of the balcony, is considered acceptable and would not result in any overbearing impacts upon 2a. In terms of the amenity of the prospective occupiers of Plot 1, there is not considered to be any overlooking or loss of privacy concerns due to the separation distance between the balcony and the garden area, including the intervening development (garage) and boundary treatments which will screen any views.”


Application for approval of reserved matters (appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) of outline planning permission 21/01147/OUT (residential development of up to 61 dwellings including a shop, open space, new access and associated works).


An objector and the applicant spoke on this item.


Whilst in support of the application, members requested that a note to applicant be added to ask that the roads be made to adoptable standards and asked that a condition be added requiring ultra-fast broadband if it wasn’t already a requirement of the outline application. It was moved by Councillor R Allen, seconded by Councillor Green and




(i)            Permission be granted subject to the conditions contained in the officer’s report;


(ii)          The final detail of the conditions, including the abovementioned additional condition relating to broadband if required, be delegated to the Planning Manager.