271 23/00948/FUL - Twycross Zoological Park, Burton Road, Norton Juxta Twycross PDF 815 KB
Application for development of new animal enclosures and associated infrastructure, new lecture theatre, education block, education facilities, substations and associated residential block and lodges, new access from Orton Hill, new car park, landscaping and other associated works (following the demolition of some existing buildings).
Application for development of new animal enclosures and associated infrastructure, new lecture theatre, education block, education facilities, substations and associated residential block and lodges, new access from Orton Hill, new car park, landscaping and other associated works (following demolition of some existing buildings).
The applicant and agent spoke on this applications.
Members thanked officers both for the work related to the planning application and the levelling up fund bid.
It was moved by Councillor Bray, seconded by Councillor R Allen and
(i) Permission be granted subject to the conditions contained in the officer’s report;
(ii) The Head of Planning be granted powers to determine the final detail of planning conditions.