Issue - meetings

23/01204/REM - Land south of Sketchley Grange Hotel, Sketchley Lane, Burbage

Meeting: 09/04/2024 - Planning Committee (Item 330)

330 23/01204/REM - Land south of Sketchley Grange Hotel, Sketchley Lane, Burbage pdf icon PDF 716 KB

Application for approval of reserved matters (relating to layout, scale, appearance and landscaping) of appeal decision APP/K2420/W/22/3301735 (outline planning application 21/01131/OUT) for the provision of 127 dwellings, a substation, public open space, an attenuation pond and associated works.


Late items received after preparation of main agenda:



Burbage Parish Council:


1.1.           On Monday 08 April 2024, Burbage Parish Council undertook an extraordinary meeting to discuss the development prior to the April Planning Committee.


1.2.           During this meeting, Burbage Parish Council confirmed that, whilst they strongly objected to the original planning application, 21/01131/OUT, the Parish Council intend to adopt the public open space within the development alongside the roadway trees as indicated in consideration of the commuted maintenance sum that is set out in the Section 106 Agreement. In addition, Burbage Parish Council supports the provision of a temporary haul from the south of the site.   




1.3.           Within the Local Highway Authority’s latest response (25 March 2024), they highlighted concerns regarding:


·                The adoptability of the site.

·                Excessive length of turning head arms.

·                Inappropriate private drive radii access.

·                The provision of street trees and verges within the highway boundary.

·                Remote parking

·                The safe passage of refuse vehicles.

·                The use of build outs on proposed share surface roads.

·                Vehicular tracking.

·                Vehicular visibility, vehicular tracking.


1.4.           Since this response, the Applicant has provided additional details via a Swept Path Analysis Plan and a General Arrangement Plan, which they believe is to an adoptable standard and is likely to address the concerns of the Local Highway Authority.


1.5.           Furthermore, the Applicant has had a meeting with the Local Highway Authority where minor changes have been agreed to make the scheme acceptable including:


·                Amendments to vehicular visibility splays within the site.

·                A reduction in the size of turning heads.

·                The reduction in the length of shared surfaces to a maximum length of 40m.

·                Trees and verges repositioned outside of the highway boundary.


The Applicant is currently in the process of making these amendments.


1.6.           Nevertheless, as per the Committee Extract, the Case Officer’s recommendation for the approval of this planning application is subject to written confirmation from the Local Highway Authority stating that, in its view, the County Council does not consider the impacts of the development on highway safety to be unacceptable, and when considered cumulatively with other developments, the impacts on the road network would not be severe in accordance with Paragraph 115 of the National Planning Policy Framework (December 2023).


Public Open Space Provision:


1.7.           On 04 April 2024, Leicestershire County Council’s Ecology Department have raised concerns regarding the funding of the Protected Ecological Areas within the site (as detailed within the Biodiversity and Landscape Management Plan) given the requirement to maintain these protected areas as species-rich grassland.


1.8.           The Ecology Department have confirmed that they will respond in due course with further guidance.


1.9.           The Case Officer has requested that the entire Equipped Children’s Play Space is surfaced with safety surfacing rather than the current grass finish in the interests of  ...  view the full agenda text for item 330


Application for approval of reserved matters (relating to layout, scale, appearance and landscaping) of appeal decision APP/K2420/W/22/3301735 (outline planning application 21/01131/OUT) for the provision of 127 dwellings, a substation, public open space, an attenuation pond and associated works.


It was moved by Councillor R Allen, seconded by Councillor Williams and




(i)            Permission be granted subject to:


a.    The conditions contained in the officer’s report and late items;


b.    Final approval from the local highways authority with regard to internal layout;


(ii)          The Head of Planning be granted authority to determine the final detail of planning conditions and internal road layout;


(iii)         The Head of Planning be granted authority to determine the final detail of obligations including public open space provision and further ecological information.