Issue - meetings

23/00330/OUT - Earl Shilton Sustainable Urban Extension, Mill Lane, Earl Shilton

Meeting: 04/06/2024 - Planning Committee (Item 34)

34 23/00330/OUT - Earl Shilton Sustainable Urban Extension, Mill Lane, Earl Shilton pdf icon PDF 1 MB

Outline application to include up to 500 dwellings, a primary school / education use (Class F1), retail (Class E), community hub (Class E/F1/F2), hot food takeaway (Sui Generis), accesses from Mill Lane and Astley Road and infrastructure including; public open space, SUDS, landscaping, the provision of associated infrastructure and ancillary works. Outline - all matters reserved except for access (EIA development).

Late items received after publication of main agenda:



1.1.       Since publication of the Planning Committee report, additional objections, from existing objectors, have been received from three addresses.


i.)            Objection number 1 raises the following points:

·               Access to property, signage to property and access to services to property required during construction period;

·               Impact of noise during construction period;

·               Request for a new mains water supply south of Clickers Way;

·               Background mapping of plans, including for bridleways and nearby properties is out of date;

·               Impact of street lighting to new junctions;


Officer response to points raised:

All of the above points raised are matters for relevant planning conditions already included, including for construction management, or for matters related to reserved matters or highway related matters that will be considered through the relevant S278 or S38 process with Leicestershire County Council.


ii.)           Objection number 2 raises the following points:

·               Contrary to AAP with regards to location of employment provision, with no buffer to Union Mill Close proposed;

·               No assessment of noise from employment uses to nearby residents of Union Mill Close;

·               Union Mill Close not assessed through the Environmental Statement;

·               Developability of the employment units proposed queried due to restrictive planning condition;

·               Application 20/01225/OUT not considered with regards to highways and noise impact

Officer response to points raised:

The above points are considered to be able to overcome at reserved matters stage or through suitable planning conditions. The application is outline only with parameters to guide reserved matters.

Application 20/01225/OUT referenced is not consented, as suggested in the objection, instead the application is pending determination and will consider the wider impacts of the whole development.

The agent has provided a detailed response to all points raised in this objection taking each point raised in turn with their response in blue text.


iii.)          Objection number 3 raises the following points:


·               Impact upon access roads and highway safety


Officer response to points raised:


The above highways matters are covered within the Committee Extract.


Response to Union Mill Close objection


1.2.       The outline application and supporting masterplanning material for the SUE has been carefully prepared in the context of the development plan and having regard to the surrounding land uses to ensure any impact is minimised. This approach extends equally to existing residential areas at Union Mill Close, and has involved a wide range of technical studies, including an Environmental Impact Assessment. To demonstrate this, the following note responds to each of the points raised by the Union Mill Close objection dated 29th May 2024 as they appear in the correspondence.


Objector Comment:   Union Mill Close was constructed before the Earl Shilton and Barwell  ...  view the full agenda text for item 34


Outline application to include up to 500 dwellings, a primary school / education use (class F1), retail (class E), community hub (class E/F1/F2), hot food takeaway (Sui Generis), accesses from Mill Lane and Astley Road and infrastructure including public open space, SUDS, landscaping, the provision of associated infrastructure and ancillary works. Outline – all matters reserved except for access (EIA development).


Applications 21/01511/OUT and 23/00330/OUT were presented and debated together but voted on separately.


An objector, the agent and two ward councillors spoke on the two applications.


It was moved by Councillor Bray and seconded by Councillor Lynch that permission be granted as recommended in the officer’s report.


Councillor Cook, seconded by Councillor Smith, proposed that the application be deferred to consider the concerns raised. As the second motion, this was not put to the vote.


The motion proposed by Councillor Bray and seconded by Councillor Lynch was put to the vote and CARRIED and it was


RESOLVED – permission be granted subject to:


(i)            A section 106 agreement as set out in the heads of terms in the officer’s report;


(ii)          The conditions outlined in the officer’s report.