Issue - meetings

24/00294/REM - Land north of Barton Road, Barlestone

Meeting: 24/09/2024 - Planning Committee (Item 7.)

7. 24/00294/REM - Land north of Barton Road, Barlestone pdf icon PDF 632 KB

Application for approval of reserved matters (appearance, landscaping, layout, scale) of application 21/00096/OUT) for residential development of up to 55 dwellings (outline – access only).


This application was deferred at the meeting on 27 August. As such, in accordance with the council’s constitution, no public speaking will be permitted.

Meeting: 27/08/2024 - Planning Committee (Item 113)

113 24/00294/REM - Land north of Barton Road, Barlestone pdf icon PDF 643 KB

Application for approval of reserved matters (appearance, landscaping, layout, scale) of outline application 21/00096/OUT for residential development of up to 55 dwellings.


Late items received after publication of main agenda:



Following publication of the report the Applicant has confirmed that the site has been acquired by Stonewater Developments Ltd and that Stonewater will develop the site that is the subject of this application as a 100% affordable housing scheme. Stonewater is one of the largest registered affordable homes providers in the country and they have confirmed that as a strategic partner of Homes England, Stonewater has been allocated funding in their current programme to support delivery of the site.


Revised plans that provide a second footpath link on the Barton Road frontage adjacent to the public open space and provide additional public open space adjacent to the attenuation pond have been provided.


Paragraph 3.3 of the main report is corrected in that it is the Tollgate Family Dental Centre opposite the site and not a doctors’ surgery.




Further to Section 6 of the report Active Travel England have no comments to make on the application.

Further to paragraph 6.8 of the main report a condition securing the provision of bird and bat boxes is required.


Further to paragraph 8.48 of the main report it is confirmed that the development would also be subject to the requirements of the S106 Agreement that relates to the outline permission 21/00096/OUT. This includes that no development shall commence until the Borough Council has approved an Affordable Housing Scheme for the site. It also includes that prior to the commencement of development the Landowner will confirm whether they wish to maintain the on-site open space area or whether they intend to transfer it to a management company or alternatively request that the Borough Council or the Parish Council maintains the on-site open space area. The reference to Parish Council, although not specifically defined, means Osbaston Parish Council as the site lies within Osbaston parish.


Condition 1 shall be revised to include the any relevant approved plans. Condition 7 shall be revised to include play equipment and the timing of the provision of the open space, play equipment and pedestrian routes. 


Barlstone Parish Council has confirmed that no one will be speaking at Committee but the objections to the application are repeated. The Parish Council also adds that the one shop in Barlestone (a Co-op) struggles to cope with village demands, the primary school is full, the bus services have been cut so people that do not drive cannot get to college/work, which in turn has led to unemployment and increased crime in the village. Osbaston is a hamlet – they use all of Barlestone’s amenities and Barlestone already struggles. Further to this the change in number of houses from the original application will only add even more pressure on an already stretched infrastructure that the Barlestone community neither wants or can cope with.


Officer comment: The Parish Council objection ignores that there is  ...  view the full agenda text for item 113


Application for approval of reserved matters (appearance, landscaping, layout, scale) of outline application 21/00096/OUT for residential development of up to 55 dwellings.


An objector, the agent, a representative of the parish council and the ward councillor spoke on this application.


Concern was expressed about the size of the gardens which did not meet the minimum recommended size in the Good Design Guide, and that not all of the roads would be built to adoptable standards. It was therefore moved by Councillor Webber-Jones and seconded by Councillor S Gibbens that the application be deferred for further clarification on these matters. Upon being put to the vote, the motion was CARRIED and it was unanimously


RESOLVED – the application be deferred for further discussion with the applicant on garden size and adoptability of the roads.