Issue - meetings

24/00591/FUL & 24/00592/ADV - Unit 4, 122 High Street, Earl Shilton

Meeting: 24/09/2024 - Planning Committee (Item 8.)

8. 24/00591/FUL - Unit 4, 122 High Street, Earl Shilton pdf icon PDF 674 KB

Change of use and conversion of commercial / offices (class E) to short term let serviced apartments (class C1 – hotels). New accessible ramps, installation of signage, parking and alteration to property.


This application was deferred at the meeting on 27 August. As such, in accordance with the council’s constitution, no public speaking will be permitted.

Meeting: 27/08/2024 - Planning Committee (Item 115)

115 24/00591/FUL & 24/00592/ADV - Unit 4, 122 High Street, Earl Shilton pdf icon PDF 820 KB

Application for change of use and conversion of commercial/offices (class E) to short term let service apartments (class C1 – hotels), new accessible ramps, installation of signage, parking and alteration to the property and installation of non-illuminated wall-mounted lettering signage.


Late items received after publication of main agenda:



·                The report states 10 apartments, however there are 9 apartments (1F is split into 4 and 4a)

·                The report states that the laundry facility is on the ground floor, however it is on the first floor.


Application for change of use and conversion of commercial / offices (class E) to short terms let service apartments (class C1 – hotels), new accessible ramps, installation of signage, parking and alteration to property and installation of non-illuminated wall mounted lettering signage.


The agent spoke on this application.


Notwithstanding the recommendation contained in the officer’s report that permission be granted, concern was expressed that there was insufficient laundry space on the ground floor and the number of units should be reduced to three to allow for more laundry space. It was moved by Councillor Allen and seconded by Councillor S Gibbens that application 24/00591/FUL be deferred to allow for consideration of decreasing the number of units on the ground floor. Upon being put to the vote, the motion was CARRIED and it was


RESOLVED – Application 24/00591/FUL be deferred to allow for consideration of reducing the number of ground floor units to three to allow for a larger laundry.


Having declared an interest in application 24/00609/HOU, Councillors Simmons and Smith left the meeting at 8.17pm.


In considering application 24/00592/ADV for non-illuminated signage, it was moved by Councillor Allen, seconded by Councillor Flemming and


RESOLVED – With reference to application 24/00592/ADV:


(i)            Permission be granted subject  to the conditions contained in the officer’s report;


(ii)          The Head of Planning be granted authority to determine the final detail of the conditions.