Issue - meetings

General Fund Budget Quarter 3 2012/2013

Meeting: 04/03/2013 - Finance, Audit & Performance Committee (Item 448)

448 General Fund Budget Quarter 3 2012/2013 pdf icon PDF 45 KB

Report of the Deputy Chief Executive (Corporate Direction) attached.

Additional documents:


Kat Bennett presented the Revenue and Capital Outturn, the revenue account was indicating a £800,000 underspend from service budgets due to savings and increased income. The capital budget demonstrated a number of slippages indicating that £3million had been spent against a programme of £4.2 million. With regard to the HRA, an overspend of £136,194 was indicated though it was noted that this was due to the Council’s position under self financing. In actual terms it was clarified that a smaller surplus was anticipated than what was originally budgeted.


Following a question regarding NNDR, officers explained that this was because HBBC had to pay 75% of the NNDR for the Stoke Road site as there was a delay in the sale. SK confirmed in response to a further question the depot relocation costs and the Hub developer incentive.