Issue - meetings

HCA Empty Homes Funding

Meeting: 16/07/2013 - Council (Item 90)

90 Private Sector Leasing Scheme and Homes and Communities Agency empty homes phase 2 funding pdf icon PDF 71 KB

Report of the Deputy Chief Executive (Community Direction).


Members received a report which provided an update on progress made to explore the feasibility of a Private Sector Leasing Scheme. The report was welcomed and it was felt that action should be taken to bring empty properties back into use. It was suggested that rural homes should be a priority and that the council should encourage owners to work with it. It was moved by Councillor Mullaney, seconded by Councillor Bray and




(i)         the use of a Private Sector Leasing Scheme across the Borough be approved;


(ii)        the use of flexible, fixed term tenancies for properties that form part of the scheme be approved;


(iii)       the addition of a clause to the Tenancy Policy stating that where a property forms part of the Scheme, lifetime tenancies cannot be granted but a tenancy will be granted for the longest term possible within the timeframe of the leasing term, be approved;


(iv)       delegated authority be granted to the Deputy Chief Executive (Corporate Direction) to create appropriate capital and revenue budgets once the nature of the individual works are known, up to the value of £468,900;


(v)        a supplementary budget of £6,000 to fund the administration cost and £20,610 annually for two years for modern apprentices be approved;


(vi)       the Deputy Chief Executive (Corporate Direction) be granted delegated authority to create rental income budgets once the properties have been brought back into use;


(vii)      an income budget of £90,000 to reflect the grant income due to be received from the Homes and Communities Agency for Empty Homes phase 2 be approved;


(viii)      an income budget of £60,000 to reflect contributions from property owners to fund works on their properties be approved;


(ix)       a total expenditure budget of £210,000 for expenditure incurred on the 6 commercial properties identified be approved;


(x)        a virement of £60,000 from the current under spent major works grants budget to the empty homes commercial property budget to fund the Council’s contributions to these works be approved.


(Councillor Morrell was absent whilst the vote was taken).