Issue - meetings

Tourism & National Forest update

Meeting: 29/08/2013 - Scrutiny Commission (Item 132)

Tourism & National Forest update

Members will receive a presentation.


Steve Wegerif, Chair of the Hinckley & Bosworth Tourism Partnership, provided Members with an update on the work of the Tourism Partnership and the National Forest including information on tourism statistics across the Borough. In particular it was highlighted that tourism suffered in 2012 due to the poor weather, but the decline within the Hinckley & Bosworth area reflected the national position. This year the situation had improved and had in fact exceeded targets.


Councillor Hulbert arrived at 6.38pm.


The key facts from the 2012 STEAM tourism data model were highlighted:


  • Positive economic impact within H&B = £15m
  • Number of visitor days = 3.7m
  • Number of FTE’s in tourism related employment = 1,653


It was reported that the Tourism Partnership no longer received any direct funding from Leicestershire County Council and that small tourism businesses were suffering from lack of support as they were too small in terms of numbers of employees to be able to apply for loans etc.


The need to make the most of the connection between the Borough and Richard III was emphasised, and it was suggested that transport links between Bosworth Battlefield and the planned Richard III Centre in Leicester be developed. In response it was stated that more research was underway regarding the exact site of the battle, after which transport links would be considered.


Concern was expressed regarding lack of a Tourist Information office in Hinckley. Mr Wegerif said the partnership had been disappointed to lose the office but that tourist information was available in the library, via accommodation providers and at the Tourist Information centres at the Battlefield and Twycross Zoo. It was also reported that the Tourism Partnership had a strong online presence. It was also suggested that a stall be used by the Tourism Partnership at the Farmers’ Market, but there was the problem of finding someone to run the stall.


RESOLVED – the update be welcomed and work of the partnership acknowledged and commended.